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“I’m Angus,” the red-haired man said. “Yer guard.” He eyed her pointedly.

She felt suddenly the way she imagined a thief or murderer who’d been caught would feel. Did that mean she was a murderer, or a thief, or both?

“I’m Father Murdock,” the big Scot said in a jolly tone. “Dunnae mind Angus. He’s always rather churlish.”

She smiled at the friendly banter between them and the relief she was feeling. Surely a man of God would help her. She dipped into a quick curtsy. “I’m—” She paused at the name Cameron had bestowed on her. It wasn’t the right name, but she didn’t know what was. “They’re calling me Serene,” she said, lamely.

Angus tilted his head at her, eyeing her. “The clan is calling ye Serene the Slayer.”

She flinched at the new information, then anger burst within her. How dare they judge her treacherous before they even knew for certain! Yet, could she blame them? She had no notion if she could be trusted, so how could she expect them to? A very large lump suddenly clogged her throat, and she felt a sudden prick of tears in her eyes, which she determinedly blinked away.

Father Murdock glared at Angus. “Now why did ye go telling her that?”

Angus hooked his thumbs into his plaid as he stared at her. “Because I wanted to see how she responded.”

“And what do ye judge from my response?” she snipped.

“Ye seemed hurt,” he replied, and her cheeks flamed with the truth of his words. He stared at her expectantly. She could lie, but no matter what she had been in the past, she’d not be a liar presently, nor would she be in the future.

“I suppose I am hurt,” she murmured. “I dunnae believe—” she hesitated, searching her heart and trying to listen to and judge how the words she wanted to say made her feel “—that I had a hand in killing the king’s mistress.”

“But ye dunnae ken for certain, do ye?” Angus demanded.

“Nay,” she admitted reluctantly. “I dunnae ken for certain, but I feel I am not a murderess.”

Father Murdock surprised her by slipping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her before releasing her. “Take heart, lass. God is merciful even to the worst sinners, if ye will just beg forgiveness.”

“I dunnae believe I can beg forgiveness for something I’m nae certain I did, Father.”

He scratched a hand over his cheeks. “Ye make a good point. As soon as ye remember ye must come see me. Now, what brings ye out here into the passage?”

“Looking te kill someone else?” Angus asked, narrowing his eyes on her.

“Oh aye,” she drawled. “Since ye asked, that is just what I’m doing. If ye’ll be so kind as to slip yer neck into my hands—” she held her hands up as if she was preparing to strangle someone “—I’ll just choke ye, and Father Murdock here can look on until I’m ready to kill him, as well.” She bit the inside of her cheek on saying more, but she suspected the damage was already done by her loose tongue and hot temper.

“Ye’re a sharp-witted lass,” Angus said slowly. “The question is, have ye used those wits for evil?”

“I can nae honestly say,” she replied.

Angus’s eyes widened, and his mouth opened and closed like a fish on a line. Beside him, the priest burst out laughing.

“I’ve never seen anyone strike Angus speechless, lass. That’s quite an accomplishment.”

Angus glared at them both. “Ye should return to yer bedchamber.”

She quirked her mouth, wanting to say something snippy again but judging it imprudent. “I would like to see Cameron. Do ye ken where he is?”

“I may,” the man retorted, “but Cameron has more important things to do than to be bothered with ye.”

She scowled at the man, but showing her irritation would likely not sway him to her cause. She relaxed her features as best she could. “If ye would be so kind as to take me to him, he can be the judge of that, I’m certain.”

“And why would I take ye to him?” Angus demanded.

“Because it may be that I am having memories that could help him unravel the king’s mistress’s murder.” It wasn’t technically a lie. Shecouldhave memories come to her that would help Cameron if she was around him.

Father Murdock cleared his throat. “Angus, ye dunnae want to be the reason the lass dunnae get her memory back, now do ye?”

Angus looked as if he were about to argue that statement, but instead, he clamped his jaw shut, then growled, “Follow me.”
