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“Nae when I see something I want,” he said, his tone serious.

She had to discourage this man somehow. For even if she decided she wanted to join with a man before marriage, as Broch had so crudely put it, the man that came to her mind was Cameron. “Perchance I’m already married,” she said, hoping that would dissuade him.

A troubled look crossed Broch’s face. “I had nae thought of that, but if ye are, dunnae ye find it odd ye kinnae even remember yer husband? If he be a good one, dunnae ye believe ye would recall him?”

If she liked her husband, she would think she’d remember him. Perchance she did not care for him, then. Not willing to voice her private concerns, she shrugged nonchalantly. “I would have thought I would recall a great many important things, such as my own name, but I did nae at first. I’m sure I’ll remember soon,” she said with much more conviction than she felt.

Cameron stood at the window in the library and looked down into the courtyard where Serene faced Broch with her hand upon his chest. He still tasted the honey that was her, and when he breathed in, her scent tantalized his senses and heated his blood. His fingers still tingled with the feel of her soft skin and silky tresses, and his body hardened with the memory of her moans when he had kissed her and the urgency of her response to his ravishment of her mouth. By God, the lass had caused him to temporarily lose his mind, and even now, separated as they were, she battered his self-control. Jealousy—the emotion was so strong there was no point denying it—coursed through him. His brothers and Alex were behind him, gathered at a table arguing about the best way to find those responsible for Katherine’s death.

“Cameron, are ye going to offer input into this?” Lachlan demanded. “’Tis yer life at stake.”

Cameron jerked his head in a nod, though he did not move from his position at the window. Whatever Broch and Serene were talking about in the courtyard, the conversation seemed very intense from the looks on their faces, but then suddenly, Serene said something and Broch threw his head back and laughed, as did she. The smile that lit her face made the jealousy within Cameron multiply, and when Broch drew Serene’s hand to his lips and kissed the tips of her fingertips, Cameron growled.

“What is it, Brother?” Lachlan asked, now directly behind him.

Cameron faced his brother, realizing he’d been so mesmerized with Serene he’d not even been aware that Lachlan had approached him. “Nae anything of import,” he quickly replied, moving away from the window and hoping Lachlan would follow. He’d rather his brother not know he had been staring at Serene and Broch. Instead of following suit, though, Lachlan stepped closer to the window, and after a second said, “Ah. I see now exactly what it is. I suppose such a scene would anger any man who was drawn to the woman involved.”

Cameron was back at the window before he considered how it might look if he’d come so quickly, lured by Lachlan’s words. He glanced back down into the courtyard and ground his teeth. “Devil take Broch!” Cameron spat under his breath, for the warrior had Serene’s hands to his lips once more. “He’s supposed to be watching her, nae wooing her. The king will nae like this!” he added. It was true, but Cameron had mostly said it because he couldn’t voice thathedid not like it.

Lachlan gave him a knowing look. “I’d sayyedunnae like whatyesee. In truth, I’d say ye seem jealous that Broch is wooing her.” Lachlan looked at him suspiciously.

“I’m nae,” Cameron lied.

“Good. Because if ye already feel the tug of possession for a woman ye have kenned for only two days, then I’d fear ye dunnae have a hope of withstanding yer desire for her.”

“I thought ye said ye dunnae hold living yer life by what Eolande said,” Cameron bit out, his frustration with himself making his words short.

“I did nae hold mine with her dire prophecy for myself and Bridgette because Bridgette was mine.” Lachlan’s voice was fierce, and his eyes blazed. He leaned close to Cameron and dropped his voice to a whisper. “I’ll tell ye something I have nae ever told anyone, except Bridgette… From the moment I first claimed her mouth, she claimed me completely. So ye see, by the time Eolande spoke her prophecy, it was too late for me to turn away from Bridgette. My advice is dunnae kiss Serene. Nae matter how much ye want to, dunnae chance it. If she is the mate of yer soul, even one kiss could bind ye.”

“Too late,” Cameron said flatly, meeting his brother’s eyes.

“Ye giant clot-heid,” Lachlan groaned. With a shake of his head, he added, “Well? Do ye feel changed?”

“Aye,” Cameron admitted, but when concern swept Lachlan’s face he added, “Dunnae worry. I will resist the pull to her. I will nae put my family in peril for a woman I lust after.”

“Lust, ye say?” Lachlan replied, an incredulous look twisting his features. “Ye’re a fool if ye believe a man feels changed by mere lust. There’s nae hope for ye now.”

“I’m stronger than ye give me credit for,” Cameron ground out.

“I give ye more credit than ye recognize,” Lachlan said. “Much more than ye give yerself. ’Tis nae a matter of strength, though. It takes more strength to claim yer heart’s desire when it may hurt others ye care for than it does to turn away from what ye long for.”

“Join us, if it pleases ye two gossiping lasses,” Iain barked from where he stood by the table.

Cameron quickly relented, not even answering Lachlan or seeing if his brother had more to say. He welcomed the reprieve that plotting his scheme could offer. Iain pointed at the drawing on the table. “Alex and I agree that ye should go to see Graham first and tell him what is happening. With the king making his way to the Steward’s home, if David names his nephew a traitor, Graham will need to ready Brigid Castle to defend the sea passage to the Isles.”

“I agree, and I can question some of the people in the Earl of March’s town. Those who will nae recognize me but who may ken something about the men we seek.”

“Agreed,” everyone around the table said.

“Since ye will be searching for traitors in enemy territory, anonymity is required,” Iain said.

“Aye,” Cameron agreed.

“The fewer men ye take, the easier it will be to achieve that,” Lachlan added.

Cameron nodded. “Of course.”

“Ye need to take men that are experts at moving in the shadows but who are also skilled fighters,” Iain said.
