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The tenderness that filled his burning gaze as he brushed his hand over her cheek made her stomach clench in hopeful anticipation. The hand that had touched her skin slid to cradle the nape of her neck, and suddenly, he pulled her to him and slanted his mouth over hers in a kiss that began gentle but quickly became demanding. She came to her tiptoes, desperate to meet his need and fulfill her own. Her heart pounded, and her hands shook as she moved them back over his chest to tug at his clothes.

She felt the rough slide of his own hands as his fingers hooked under the shoulders of her gown, and he divested her of it and her léine before she had managed to rid him of his clothing. She gasped when the cool bedchamber air hit her bare skin.

Cameron pulled away, his gaze now filled with unbridled yearning. “Ye’ll nae be cold long,” he assured her, the silken promise in his voice making her belly tighten.

Kicking out of his plaid, he swept her into his arms as his mouth captured hers once again. The greedy kiss sent her senses reeling, so that when the soft bed came under her back she blinked in surprise that he had laid her down and she’d not even realized it. His lips left hers to trace a burning path to her full, aching breast. Without hesitation, he sucked her nipple into his mouth in a long, luxurious pull that forced a ragged moan from her as she arched her back toward him. His tongue flicked deliciously over her hard bud, teasing her and tormenting her.

She dug her nails hard into his back in a silent demand for more. He broke the contact with her breast only to move to the other and give it the same treatment, except this time, he gently swirled his tongue around the bud before taking her breast into his mouth. When he finally suckled her, her insides quivered with sweet need. “Cameron, please,” she begged, not caring at all what she sounded like.

His answer was to swiftly come between her thighs, delve his hands under her bottom, and slide his tongue up the center of what made her a woman. “Cameron!” she sobbed in pleasure and pain. His tongue lavished her with wicked strokes that made her pulse race ever faster and her blood roar. She clenched her hands against the bed, then his shoulders as she thrashed her head back and forth. She was going to die of wanting him. “I kinnae take any more!” she pleaded, and that’s when his tongue touched a spot she’d not known existed.

Pure pleasure spiked through her as he sucked that pulsing spot into his warm mouth, but she needed something more. Her impatience was becoming explosive. His hands came to either side of her thighs, which he spread wider, and when his fingers came to the spot he’d revealed to her and rubbed in a frenzied circle, hot liquid poured through her, and she shattered into a million glowing stars to match the ones in the sky.

Suddenly, he released her, and she opened her eyes to find him above her, strain and wanting warring on his beautiful face. “Now ye’re ready,” he said huskily.

“There’s more?” she teased, though she did wonder how she could possibly take any more. She felt utterly spent.

But in the slide of his hand between her breasts, then around one bud and then the other, her pulse, which had just begun to abate, sped up again, and deep in her core, desire sprang to life once more. “Show me,” she invited, sensing he was waiting for her to give him a sign that she was ready. “Show me thismore,” she purred.

“I’ll show ye, mybean bhàsail. Over and over again, I’ll show ye until neither of us can speak or move.”

She grinned up at him, the picture of an unrepentant temptress, and his heart squeezed so hard that he had to clench his teeth against the wave of love he felt for her. In moments, their union, which had begun with the priest securing each of their intents to marry the other in the future, would be complete when they joined their bodies. The knowledge made him tremble with gratitude and awe.

He ran his hands over the silken skin of her flat stomach to her round, proud breasts. He trailed a path down her shapely legs and back up over her lush, womanly hips only to move his hands back to her inner thighs, where he spread her a little wider to prepare her for him.

She watched him with the slanted eyes of a cat who was lounging in the sun and appeared the picture of contentment. He parted her at her core and slid his fingers slowly down her center. She was ready for him. “It will hurt—”

She pressed a finger against his lips. “I ken. I’ve seen horses breed, ye ken.”

He chuckled at that. “’Tis nae like horses breeding.”

She smirked at him. “Well, I ken that, but if it hurts for a giant mare when a stallion enters her, then I presumed it would be the same for a man and a woman.”

“I’m nae quite as big as a stallion,” he teased. He pressed his mouth to hers as his fingers found the spot that he knew would make her more than ready.

He watched the need for him grow on her face and through her body as she began to thrash, then buck, and finally claw at him. His own need was a wild storm within him that he kept contained as long as he could, wanting her to experience as much pleasure as possible. When his body prevailed over his will, he touched the tip of his staff to her entrance and shuddered with desire. There was no hope to prevent the moment of pain for her, so he quickly thrust into her and stilled, clenching his teeth against the battering need to move. But she was hot and tight and ready based on her sudden glare and demand that he movenow.

He pulled out slowly and slid back in, memorizing the way he felt inside her, hisbean bhàsail.Being with her was unlike anything he’d ever known. It was more, so much more, and the ache that filled him was one of happiness and love. He released the hold he had over himself as he knew he never had, as he’d never been able to. With her, he did not feel the need to protect himself. He began to move faster, the age-old rhythm of mating taking over. The pressure inside him grew until it was a living thing that would not be contained. Yet he waited, sweat slicking his skin and his muscles burning. The moment her back arched, she threw her head back, and her core pulsed around him, washing hot liquid over his rigid staff, he released his last restraints on himself and filled her with his seed, making her his forever.


Sorcha much preferred to wake as she had this morning at Brigid Castle—in Cameron’s arms after he had joined with her in a soft bed—as opposed to being jarred awake on the back of a horse. She instantly felt the protective, warm embrace of Cameron’s arm’s encircling her waist, though, and she smiled. As the bleariness of sleep cleared from her eyes and her thoughts sharpened, the Earl of March’s castle became visible in the moonlight. Suddenly, dread seized her. She knew the plan to attack the earl’s castle and force him to take his name off the petition against the king, but that did not stop fear from blossoming in her belly.

The massive castle sat atop a hill and seemed to be made up of several adjacent stone structures, as well as one structure that was set apart from the others. She attempted to breathe in a deep, calming breath, but she furrowed her brow at the brackish air that filled her nose. Cameron brought his destrier to a halt, and behind them, she could hear a collectivewhooshas the army of men who had come with Cameron to seize the castle halted, as well.

A shiver coursed through her, and her thoughts swirled in her mind. Would they have to swim through water to reach the castle? She could swim well enough, but something about swimming at night had always given her a fright. “Cameron, is the castle surrounded by water?” she asked.

“Nay, the harbor is on but two sides.”

She sighed. “Oh, good. Night swimming is nae my favorite. I’m nae scairt, mind ye,” she fibbed, not wanting him to perceive her as weak.

“Dunnae fash yerself, Sorcha. Neither ye or Lena will be coming with us to attack the castle,” he replied matter-of-factly.

Before she could protest, he gripped her around the waist and set her on the ground. Around her, men and Lena dismounted and a flurry of activity began. Broch started to tug her away from Cameron, who was only just getting down from his horse, but she twisted free and stepped toward Cameron, placing her hand on his arm to gain his attention, as he was turned to speak to Graham.

Cameron looked to her at once, his eyebrows quirked up with annoyance. His face softened immediately as his eyes locked with hers. “Broch will make ye and Lena a bed, and I’ll say farewell before we depart to attack the castle.”

“I’m coming with ye,” she said, letting him hear the resolve in her voice.
