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The tic in Cameron’s jaw sprang to life. “Nay, Brom. Hugo Ross kinnae marry her. He can try, but Sorcha is my wife. Lead me to her now.”

Brom nodded. “Brom take ye to her. Ye take her away and keep my Sorcha safe.”

“Aye, Brom,” Cameron said. “I vow it.”

Sorcha could hardly believe she was wife to Hugo. Her mind denied it, but when Hugo turned to her, leered, and said, “Time for the joining,” she could not hide from the truth.

She glanced toward Broch, who was lying unmoving on the ground after the beating he’d taken, and she was not sorry she had saved him. But now that she had bought him time, she had to escape. As Hugo turned to grab her, she brought her knee into his groin as Cameron had taught her. She raced past his doubled-over form, slung open the chapel door, and stepped out into the courtyard. She had every intention of fleeing and not looking back, but the sight that greeted her shocked her to a stop.

Cameron sat on his horse, and her uncle was seated behind Graham on his horse beside Cameron. His warriors stood ready for battle behind them. The baleful grimness of his face, highlighted by the fact that his hair was pulled back, was both a welcome and worrisome surprise.

“What are ye doing here?” she gasped.

“I told ye,” he replied in a calm voice as he dismounted, “I will always come for ye.”

She raced toward him, even as the door behind her banged open and Hugo bellowed after her. Cameron closed the distance between them, jerked her to him, and shoved her behind him as he brought up his sword.

“Give me back my wife,” Hugo snarled. As Hugo’s men poured out of the chapel, Cameron’s, who far outnumbered them, came forward with their weapons drawn. Hugo’s men looked to him for orders, but Cameron spoke first.

“She kinnae be yer wife, Hugo, as she is mine.” Cameron’s words, though calm, held an undercurrent of deadly intention.

Sorcha frowned. Was Cameron trying to trick Hugo?

“I married her at my brother’s castle over a sennight ago,” Cameron went on, “and we were most assuredly joined. Ask her if ye dunnae believe me.”

Cameron turned to her, and she saw the plea in his eyes for her to trust him. She took a deep breath and nodded. “I am his wife.” Even if it wasn’t exactly true, she was his wife in her heart.

“I’ll kill ye!” Hugo roared.

He charged Cameron, but Cameron was ready, fierce, and fast. He moved in a blur, swinging his sword high and plunging it straight through Hugo’s heart. The man fell to his knees and then crashed forward, landing with his face in the dirt, hunched over the hilt of the sword with the blade protruding from his back. Cameron’s men advanced past him to push Hugo’s men back, while Cameron rolled Hugo over with the tip of his boot. He spat in the dirt near Hugo and, with a grunt, jerked his weapon from the dead man.

She trembled as Cameron came to her and encircled her in his arms. “It’s over,” he said soothingly in her ear.

She shook her head and pressed her palm to his pounding heart. “Nay,” she said on a sob. “Broch is hurt.”

“Nay, lass,” came Broch’s voice as he staggered from the chapel. The sight of his battered face made her gasp, but he managed a grin. “It will take more than that to kill me.” He looked to Cameron. “I’m sorry I failed ye.”

Sorcha frowned as Cameron said, “Ye did nae fail me, Broch.”

Then Cameron wrapped his arm around her waist and led her a distance from his men and sister, who she only just saw well in the back out of harm’s way. “Itisover,” he said emphatically.

“Ye have betrayed the king because of me and—”

He kissed her soundly to loud cheers from his men. “Nay,bean bhàsail. I plotted this scheme to save ye and us. The king was aware and part of the deception.”

She listened in growing shock and wonder as he told her all he had plotted, from their marriage, to the joining, to her thinking he had left her. His brow creased as he held her around the waist. “Say something. Say ye hate me, yell at me, anything. I kinnae stand yer silence.”

“We’re truly married?” she asked in amazement.

“Aye,” he said. The obvious joy in his voice warmed her entire body. He brushed his hand over her cheek. “I’m sorry for the deception. I had to keep ye safe. Are ye cross?”

She thought for a moment before answering. He had risked everything for her and so had his family. Was she cross?

“Nay!” she assured him, kissing him as soundly as he had kissed her moments before. “I’ve nae ever been so glad to be deceived in my life. I only wish I’d kenned I was getting married. Lasses dream of that moment, ye ken?”

“Do they?” he asked, his surprise quite evident. “Then we will marry again so that this time it will be exactly as ye dreamed it.”

“Ye would marry me again?” She was so touched tears welled in her eyes.
