Page 28 of Swear on My Life

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“Ah. That makes sense.” I give her a wink. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you home safely.”

She looks at me with the moonlight pouring in and shining in her eyes. “Harbor?”

I like the way my name rolls off her tongue and kisses her lips.


“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Another one? I feel honored,” I tease her after the last one she shared with me, which wasn’t much of a secret.

“Maybe they’re not so much secrets as confessions.”

“Okay, confession or secret, I won’t share with anyone else.”

Her smile warms me more than the car’s heater ever could. “I rarely go out, but I’m glad I went out with you tonight.”

“Me too. It was good spending time with you.”

I slow down to turn left, which goes against every urge inside telling me to keep driving just to steal a few extra minutes of her time. “Can I ask you something, Lark?”

“I don’t have anything to hide.”

Everyone has something to hide.But I believe her.“Why’d you decide to come?”

Her eyes return to me as she snuggles up on the passenger’s seat. “You made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”



I click my tongue in amusement. “Noted.” I turn onto her street, dreading the night coming to an end.

She says, “You know . . .” I glance her way. “It wasn’t just the restaurant.”

“Oh yeah? What was it?”

“It was also the company. You are definitely better than a can of frank and beans any day.” She gives me a flirty wink, holding her sexy own with me.

I burst out laughing. “So what you’re saying is I was right.”

“You weren’t wrong.”

I catch her smile fading just as I pull up to the curb in front of her house. She looks at the house for a long beat or two, and then says, “You can come in if you want to.”

I’ve wanted this offer since the minute I laid eyes on her at the beginning of the semester. Standing so close to her, touching her chin, and being alone with her, there’s nothing else I’ve been able to think about other than what it would be like to sleep with her. Even tonight, in her apartment earlier, it felt right being alone with Lark, but not taking advantage of the situation.

Now, she’s rolling out the red carpet for me and offering me a golden ticket inside her world, and maybe even her bed. My fingers tighten around the steering wheel as I mentally kick my own ass for what I’m about to do. “It’s been a nice night, and although I’d like to go in . . .” Her gaze is locked on mine, but rejection doesn’t taint it. “I should probably get going and let you study.”

A gentle nod rocks her head as she reaches for the handle. “You’re right. Anyway, we always have class tomorrow. Thank you for dinner.”

“You’re welcome, but you still owe me.”

She grins. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay up.” Opening the door, she steps out before I have time to get out and run around the car to do it for her. I stop on the sidewalk, though, after making my best effort. She says, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Harbor.”

I raise my hand. “Yeah, tomorrow.” I wait as she lets herself in, only looking back to give a quick wave of her hand before she’s inside.

There’s nothing but a quiet apartment to rush back to but I decide to follow her lead and study. It would make my parents proud to hear about this. Not that I’ll send them an alert or anything, but it’s always a good hand to hold in my back pocket for the next time I get into trouble.
