Page 29 of Swear on My Life

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Not fifteen minutes later, I’m tossing my keys onto the kitchen counter, listening to them slide across the slick surface as I walk straight to the bedroom. Yanking off my sweater, I toss it in the closet. It lands on a shelf before it falls to the floor. I unbutton the shirt and then tug the undershirt off, tossing both in a hamper.

After I’ve stripped down to my boxers, I head back into the living room and tap my keyboard, bringing my computer to life. I need my thoughts to detour to anything other than the woman I just drove away from. I’m a fucking idiot for turning down her offer. If I don’t get engrossed in something else, I’ll end up getting dressed and heading right back over there.

My dick is hard and in need of some relief. I return to the bedroom and cross through to the bathroom to start the shower. I should turn the cold water on so I can get on with my night, but every time I think of Lark, I can’t concentrate on anything other than the way the candle flickering reflected in her eyes when she looked at me with a smile, the little bow at the top of her lips, and the tiny mark on her chin that she didn’t bother covering. I’m starting to believe it’s the culprit that brought us together.

I tug down my boxer briefs and step under the warm water. Yeah, I’m weak to that body of hers. I tilt my head under, getting my hair wet. It feels good as the heat penetrates beneath my skin, easing my muscles and relaxing my mind.

The swell of her hips.

The rising and falling of her chest.

The sound of her lips parting just before she licks them.

Taking hold of my erection, I let the images of her fill my head as my senses kick in from when I stood so close to her when she was seated on the cabinet in front of me as I bandaged her chin. I remember her smelling of springtime and freshly picked flowers, and her skin being as soft as a rose petal. I breathed her in just to taste a part of her.

Stroking slowly, the urge to release builds inside me as memories come flooding back—the sound of her whispers as if we were Bonnie and Clyde, just the two of us escaping together.

I pick up my pace.

Pinning my palm to the shower wall, I can see her as clearly as if she were here now. Her eyes were closed, and her trust on full display. I could have leaned in to kiss her vulnerabilities, but I savored the sight of her instead. Her body so close to mine in the doorway . . .

My hold grows tighter as an orgasm rushes forward.

That look in her eye . . .

The sway of her ass . . .

The way she looked back as if she wished she could stay . . .

“Lark. Fuck. Fuck.Fuck.” My voice trails off, the last words faint under the sound of the shower as I lean against the cold tiles to recuperate.

The release?Worth it.

* * *

A poketo the ribs startles me, and I turn around. “Busted,” Lark says, beaming in victory.

Turning around, I lean against the brick building to face her. I take the high road . . . Okay, I don’t, but I do feign innocence. “Busted me doing what? Hanging out before class?”

She smirks, crossing her arms over her chest with a large tumbler in her hand. Shrugging it off, she says, “Aw, come on, Harbor. Don’t be a poor sport. Admit it, you were waiting for me.”

“Hi, Harbor,” some girl I met at a party last year purrs as she passes behind Lark.

Lark rolls her eyes, but then something dawns in her eyes, and she sucks in a breath. “Oh my God, you weren’t waiting for me, were you? I’m so sorry. Ugh.” She tries to escape through the double doors, but I catch the tail of her sweatshirt and tug her back to me.

“No. I wasn’t waiting for anyone else.” I get her to turn around. She leans against the wall where I was just a moment earlier. Pink-cheeked and giggling, she looks up at me with bright-green eyes catching the sunlight inside.

The golden morning highlights the beauty that some might miss when passing by, rushing in their lives instead of soaking her in. Lighter strands that have forgotten to fade after last summer hang freely around her face and her lips, just moistened, glisten like an invitation.

And here the best I did was narrow her eye color down to green, but they’re so much more than I had previously seen. Gold flecks shine in the sunlight as if I’ve discovered treasure.

Fumbling for words that could do her justice, I lean in, so close to kissing her and easing my misery from the anticipation.

“Harbor?” she whispers, her lips barely parted as her hand fists my shirt.

“I was stalking you.”

Her head jerks back and a restrained smile tilts the corners of her mouth upward.
