Page 43 of Swear on My Life

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For someone who’s never done this before, she’s doing a fucking fantastic job of it. Taking me into her mouth, she sucks, causing the inside of her cheeks to hollow around my dick, and I’m about done here. A few more rounds of her mouth and my release hits fast, and I come hard.

Her hair tangles between my fingers as I give in to every sensation.

When I finally catch my breath, I find her kissing my chest and moving higher up my body. When she reaches my mouth, she kisses me, and then says, “How’d I do?”

“Yeah, you don’t need any guidance from me.”

“If that didn’t feel so fucking amazing, I might be embarrassed that I didn’t last longer.” I stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

“Guess it just comes naturally.” She laughs, kissing me again, and then slides off to snuggle against me.

This woman, what am I going to do with her?

Rubbing her back, I hear the sound of her sighing in satisfaction, which relaxes me in a way I haven’t felt in quite some time. Every bone feels pliable to the bed as I

hold her close. I ease into sleep so quickly, but before I do, I kiss the top of her head, and say, “I’m glad I stayed.”

Her smile growing is felt on the side of my chest. Her arm tightens over me, and she whispers, “Me too. Good night, babe.”


“All’s fair in love.”

“And war.” I’ve never bothered with terms of endearment before, never feeling that invested. But with Lark, I’m all in. “Sweet dreams, baby.”

She squirms under my arm and looks up at me. “Baby?” she asks through a smile.

“It feels right.”

She feels right.




My body feels loose, limber, and pliable on the mattress and more at peace than I’ve ever been.

The clouds of my mind have cleared, though there’s a slight thunder in the temple of my brain, but then I remember him calling me baby last night. Me, Lark Summerlin from small-town Beacon is Harbor Westcott’s baby, and all is wonderful in the world. I giggle in delight but am quick to silence myself so I don’t wake the sleeping giant.

I roll over ready to kiss him awake, but I roll right onto my face instead of finding Harbor. I open my eyes, hoping I’m wrong, but also to verify the bed is empty beside me. My heart starts racing as a wave of emotions overwhelm my head. My stomach turns from the sight of the spot where he lay when we fell asleep last night. Wrapping my arm around it, I realize I need to cover more than my stomach.

Instead of lying there in my growing anxiety, I slip out from the covers, still wanting to prove my suspicions wrong. I grab my robe and punch my arms through as I swing my door open only to find the bathroom unoccupied.

Glancing left, I find Amanda’s door closed as usual, so I walk down the short hall. My hands begin to shake as I have the view of the entire apartment in my grasp.

And there’s no Harbor.

He left . . .

After what we did, what I was willing to give him, he still left me like I didn’t matter at all.

A deep hole I thought was long buried is exposed like it didn’t take me years to come to terms with someone abandoning me. Tears fill my eyes as my heart is squeezed a lot like I remember having the good memories ripped away from me back when I was little.

“Harbor?” I call for him like an idiot. He’s not here. I can see that with my own eyes. I feel weak and not the good kind like Harbor usually makes my knees. I grip the kitchen counter to support me, unsure why I’m feeling so off and more than only disappointed.

We’d agreed to date, to be exclusive, to use the cheesy terms of girlfriend and boyfriend, so why would he leave me without so much as a note?
