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I’m smiling widely as our elevator descends to the first floor. Cam is devastatingly handsome in his tux, and I look pretty darn good with my floor-length gown, designer pumps, and sparkling diamond ring.

I feel like I’m floating in a dream bubble.

It’s not until we exit the elevator, step into the lobby, and Cam opens his big mouth that my bubble bursts and I come crashing to Earth.

“Time to pretend we’re crazy about each other,” he says.



Stupid. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s not what I meant at all. And when Izzy’s dazzling smile falls, I want to kick myself.

First the separate rooms, and now the dumbass comment. Already you’re fucking this up.This is why I don’t date women like Izzy.

“Izzy, I didn’t—” I start to say. I want to tell her that the words came out wrong. That Iamcrazy about her, but before I have a chance, my name is called and my grandfather breaks away from a small gathering and heads toward us.

Even at eighty-eight years old, my grandfather is a robust man. He bears a striking resemblance to Santa Claus with his snow-white beard, laughing eyes, and rosy cheeks. He uses a cane as he crosses the room, but his steps are steady and sure.

As he approaches, Grandfather’s not looking at me. His eyes are on Izzy, and his smile grows wider as the distance between us shrinks.

“Izzy, this is my grandfather, Aldous Steele. Grandfather, Isadora Miller, my fiancée.” I expect my news to shock him, but he doesn’t seem at all surprised. He does, however, appear enamored.

Izzy offers her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Steele.”

“Please,” he says, still holding her hand, “call me Aldous. And the pleasure is all mine.” Yep, enamored.

Grandfather winks, then hugs me tightly. “Well done, Cameron.”

I can read between the lines. He’s telling me he approves of Izzy. I had no doubt he would. She was a treasure even when she was dressed in shapeless clothing, wore her hair in an austere style, and had huge glasses perched on the end of her nose—glasses she apparently only really needs for reading.

We accompany Grandfather into the ballroom where I spot Jackson and Gina on the dance floor.

The room is decorated in white and pale blue and sparkling silver. It looks like a winter wonderland. Izzy inhales sharply. She’s impressed, but I’m not sure if she’s awed by the decor or by the multitude of celebrities and dignitaries in attendance. Possibly both.

“It’s magnificent,” she whispers.

Grandfather beams in delight, and I get the impression he’d like nothing more than to monopolize her entire evening. Fortunately, he’s summoned by the monarch of a small European country, so I’m able to regain my fiancée’s attention.

“Well, I think that went well,” Izzy says. To anyone else, she appears confident and self-assured, but I can see in her eyes she doubts herself and again I want to kick my own ass.

“Look, Izzy, what I said before—”

“Cameron. ’Bout time. I’ve been keeping my eye out for you.” Jackson claps me on the shoulder, then turns to Izzy and his eyes widen. “And Ms. Miller. You look stunning. Absolutely stunning.” His gaze travels the length of her. It riles me slightly because I don’t like another man looking at her, but there’s nothing at all lascivious in his gaze and I know Jackson is completely devoted to Gina. “The second most beautiful woman in the room. After my gorgeous wife, of course.” He and Gina share an intimate smile.

“Hi.” Gina offers her hand to Izzy. “I’m Jackson’s wife, Gina, and my husband is right. That dress is to die for, and you wear it so very well.”

As the ladies compliment one another, Jackson leans in. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for two days. I have the comps on the Ling-Tao deal.”

“My cell died and we were stranded in my grandfather’s old hunting cabin.” I don’t tell him that I’ve been back on the grid for several hours now, but for the first time in ten years, I’m just not ready to immerse myself in business matters at the drop of a hat.

Jackson gestures with his head to the exit. “Got a quick minute to step out and talk?”

I should say yes. RJ Conglomerates’ deal with Ling-Tao is worth billions, but I hate leaving Izzy.

I’m about to decline when Izzy nods. “Go on, Cam. I know how important the Ling-Tao deal is. I’m fine.”

“Yeah, go on. I’ve got her,” Gina says. “We’re gonna people watch.” She turns to Izzy. “Girl, let’s head to the buffet table. I think I saw Oprah over there.”
