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But before they wander off, I grab Izzy’s wrist, pull her to me, and—in front of Jackson, Gina, and whoever else may be watching—I kiss her full on the lips.

“I promise I won’t be long, kitten.”



“Not only is my man hot, but boy, can he also dance.” Gina blots her cheeks with powder from the compact in her hand.

Grinning, my eyes meet hers in the ladies’ room mirror as I reapply my lipstick. “I saw you two tearing up the dance floor.”

“So,” she says, “you and Cameron, huh?”

My insides clench. I do not want to talk about Cameron and me. Not with Gina. I just met her, but so far I like her, and I hate outright lying to her.

That’s what you signed up for,Izzy.To hoodwink everyone and make them believe this farce of a situation.

“Hey, I know this pretend engagement is to convince his grandfather to drop that silly marriage clause from the contract.” Her lips quirk as though she’s privy to a juicy secret, and she turns to face me head-on. “But, girl, there’s hella chemistry between you two, am I right?”

My jaw drops. “You know about our phony engagement?”

She waves a hand in the air. “Course I know. Jackson tells me everything, but don’t worry. I’d never betray a friend. Secret’s safe with me.”

An audible sigh of relief leaves my lips. I’m glad someone else knows.

“What do you mean chemistry?”

“Honey, that man could not take his eyes off you. And the look in those eyes—whew, fire!”

“I think he’s just playing his part to fool his grandfather into thinking we’re madly in love.”

“Uh-uh.” She shakes her head emphatically. “No one is that good at acting. I’d bet my red-soled dancing shoes that man feels something for you. And it ain’t platonic.”

I open my mouth to respond when her cell goes off.

She pulls the phone out of her clutch and glances at the screen, huffing an exasperated breath.

“Pain-in-the-ass client,” Gina mumbles. “I’m sorry, I have to take this. Meet you back out there?”

“Of course.” I nod and watch her leave.

So Gina thinks Cameron feels something for me? He’s not just playing me? Gina’s known him for years, so if she sees something, maybe she’s right. Or maybe this is just me falling for the wrong guy again.

When a toilet flushes, I’m a little surprised. I thought I was alone in here.

Instantly I recognize the tall blonde who exits a stall and approaches me from behind. I’ve sent her flowers and gifts courtesy of Cameron more than a few times.

Angelique Devore.

She’s wearing a smug smirk, and I have a feeling I’m not going to like what comes out of her mouth.

“Well, well,” she says, sneering. “I knew there was something rotten about you and Cameron. A man like Cameron Steele, a multibillionaire, choosing to marry his lowly assistant? No offense, but champagne and caviar don’t mix well with”—she pauses to eye me up and down and wrinkle her nose before continuing—“casserole and Jell-O salad.”

Don’t engage, Izzy. Just keep your mouth shut.

I smile tightly and do, in fact, keep my mouth shut.

“Not to worry.” Angelique waves a hand in the air, seemingly content to carry on a one-sided conversation. “I’ll keep your little secret, for Cam’s sake. But it’s good to know that when Cameron does eventually settle down—forreal—it will be with a woman who better suits him.”
