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“Yet you threatened to tear it away from him and hand it over to his cousin.” My eyes widen and I clamp a hand over my mouth. I can’t believe I just said that. “I’m so sorry. That was rude of me.”

But the senior Mr. Steele doesn’t look the least bit ruffled. “It’s quite all right, dear.” His gnarled hand reaches over and pats mine in reassurance. “You’re good for him. Just what he needs.”

Again my cheeks heat. From guilt, I’m sure.

“I want for my grandson what Claire and I had,” he continues. “I met my wife when we were in our early twenties. Kids, really. I saw her from across a crowded room and knew the moment our eyes met that she was the one. She always said the same about me. It was love at first sight. Some say it doesn’t exist, but I know better. Fifty-two years we were together. I never so much as looked at another woman. Why would I? Life is short, take it from an old man. Don’t waste it. Fifty-two years go by like the blink of an eye, and there’s not a thing I wouldn’t give for one more day with my Claire.”

I want to tell him that Cam and I aren’t in love. Not at first sight or second sight or any sight. We’re from two different worlds, and the divide between the two is a massive chasm. I want to say all that. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but they don’t come. Because, if I’m being honest with myself, deep in my heart, I know I’ve already fallen in love with Cameron Steele.

“When you get to be my age, you realize what’s important.” He slowly gets to his feet. “Food for thought.”

My face morphs into a wide smile. “Food for thought,” I echo.

I watch as he struts off. He uses his cane, but his gait is pretty spry for an old man.

Invigorated from our chat, I find my way back to the ballroom.

Wearing a smile, I quickly scan the room for Cameron, but when I spot him, I almost wish I hadn’t. The blood drains from my face. My limbs grow heavy, my stomach flip-flops, and my fantasy crashes down around me, exposing a nightmare beneath.

A horrible, awful, gut-wrenching nightmare.

Cameron and Angelique are in a lip-locked embrace.

As I witness the scene before me, my pulse thunders in my ears, drowning out the sound of the music and partiers. Suddenly it seems there are only three people in the room—Cam, Angelique, and me. And that’s one too many.

So I turn on my heel and leave.



I’m discussing the current stock drop with an old college buddy when Angelique comes sidling up. The look on her face is suspicious.

I’ve known Angelique for a long time. We’ve never had anything but a platonic relationship, but deep down, I’ve always known she wanted more. I admit that.

I also admit I’m a total dumbass for falling for what she does next.

“Cameron, dance with me.” Angelique grabs my arm and tries to tug me toward the dance floor. I tactfully remove myself from her grip.

“No, thank you. I’m not in the mood.”

“But Cam…” she whines.

Mentally, I roll my eyes.

Angelique leans close and whispers, “There’s something I need to show you.”

Against my better judgment (understatement), I follow her a few steps before she stops, turns, and throws her arms around my neck, a move that momentarily catches me off guard.

“Mistletoe.” My eyes follow hers and I see that, as she says, she’s dragged me under a sprig of mistletoe.

Breathing an exasperated sigh, I reach up and clasp her wrists to remove them from my neck when she stumbles and loses her balance. Reflexively, my hands go to her waist in an attempt to steady her and keep her upright. The moment I do, she rises up on her toes, leans her weight against my chest, and falls into me, planting a kiss on my lips.

It’s a quick kiss. It lasts for as long as it takes my brain to register that she’s tricked me. Livid, I pull her arms off me and, grasping her by the shoulders, hold her at arms’ length.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, puh-leez, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”
