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“Not only did I not enjoy it, you also pissed me the hell off. You know I’m an engaged man, don’t you? Where do you get off throwing yourself at a man who doesn’t want you? Have you no pride?” My words are harsh, but I won’t apologize. That was a lowdown thing to do, even for her.

She tries to wriggle out of my grasp and move closer, but I hold her firmly away from me.

She clicks her tongue and pouts. “I know the whole engagement is a farce.” Her lips turn up in a snide grin. “You wouldn’t want me to slip and accidentally leak your little secret, would you?”

I shoot an icy glare at her. “You’re threatening me?ME?!You’ve clearly forgotten who you’re messing with.” Those words alone are enough to strike fear in Angelique, but I’m not done. I want to make sure she gets my message loud and clear.

“RJ Conglomerates transports ninety-five percent of the steel from your father’s mills. If you so much as think about disrespecting my fiancée again, that percentage will drop to zero overnight, and I’ll make sure your father knows why. Then see how fast Daddy pulls your Gold Card.”

I leave her standing alone under the mistletoe with her mouth hanging open in horror, a bright red blush staining her cheeks and her eyes as wide as saucers, while I go looking for Izzy.

I left Izzy with Gina, but as I look around the room, I see Gina and Jackson standing by the champagne fountain. For some reason, Gina’s giving me the stink eye. I’ll worry about her later—right now I just want to find Izzy.

As I turn abruptly, I almost stumble over my grandfather, who’s standing directly behind me.

“Cameron,” he says, patting my shoulder. “I want to compliment you on your choice of fiancée. Isadora is a lovely woman. Lovely.”

“She is, isn’t she?” I can’t help but smile. It’s hard not to like Izzy.

“A woman of her caliber doesn’t come along every day,” he says, and I swear there’s a twinkle in his eye. “She’s a keeper. You make sure you hold tight to her.”

“Oh, I plan to, Grandfather.” No sooner are the words out of my mouth than I realize I mean them. Izzy really is a keeper, and I really do want to hold onto her.

“I’m proud of you, Cameron.”

I cock a brow. “Does that mean the company won’t be stripped from me and handed over to Crayola-chomping Geoffrey?”

Grandfather chuckles. “If, when your birthday comes on February fourth, you’re wearing a wedding ring, the company’s all yours and my name will be removed completely.”

I hear his words, but they barely register. I’m thinking about Izzy. About how when she smiles, it’s heartfelt and genuine. When she laughs, it’s like tinkling sleigh bells promising treats and goodies and gifts wrapped in shiny paper and pretty bows.

Quirky, cute, sexy Izzy. I love everything about the woman.

Yes,love. Because I do love her.

In the five days we were holed up in that cabin, I fell head over heels in love with her, but the question that’s been nagging me for days is, am I a good enough man for a woman like her?

I sure as hell want to be.

I’m gonna try like hell to be.

Cameron Steele rises to the occasion, meets challenges head-on.

I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.

Of course, I have to find her first.

I leave the ballroom and search the lobby, where I run into the last person I want to see—my cousin Geoffrey. Okay,secondlast, Angelique still tops the list.

“Cameron, I wanted to—”

I don’t even let him finish. “Hello, Geoffrey. I’d love to catch up,” I lie, “but I’m looking for my fiancée at the moment.”

Geoffrey shakes his head. “Cam, Cam, Cam.”

What the hell does that mean? “Do you have something to say, Geoffrey?”

“Only a little advice, man-to-man.” He winks and I roll my eyes. “If I were you, I’d be a little more discreet about my indiscretions.”
