Page 44 of Bad at Heart

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“Yes?” I breathe down the phone when I snatch it up.

The doorman’s rich baritone sounds through the line. “Ms. Clatham. There’s a Mrs. Fitzpatrick here to see you.”


“Oh, let her up, please.”

“Of course, Ms. Clatham. They’re on their way up.”

I hover beside the door, and five minutes later, there is a knock on the door. Wrenching it open, I beam at Tiggy, standing with Cillian in his stroller.

Stepping back, I let her in. Her new bodyguard, I think his name is Tommy, is holding a suitcase, which he sets down inside the front door.

“I’ll wait out here, Mrs. Fitzpatrick.” He pulls the door closed, remaining out in the hallway.

Once we’re alone, Tiggy gestures at the suitcase. “I know Mellie brought you some clothes the other day, but I’ve brought you some too.”

She leaves Cillian napping in his stroller as we move to the bedroom. As I watch, she hefts the suitcase onto the bed, opening it and helping me sort through the lovely outfits she has brought over.

Mellie brought me a selection of yoga pants, jeans, underwear, and T-shirts. Very practical, and I wear them every day. Tiggy’s haul is much morefun. There are sundresses, fancy date-style dresses, cute tops, and skirts. I mean, it makes sense. Mellie lives in yoga pants or jeans. Tiggy always looks like she’s about to walk into a meeting at a bank or a fancy restaurant.

“I don’t go anywhere,” I remind her, toying with a gorgeous lace blouse. Tiggy snickers, rolling her eyes.

“So?” She holds one of the pretty sundresses against my chest. “You don’t have to leave the condo to feel pretty.”

True. The woman is spitting facts right now.

“Besides.” Tiggy waggles her eyebrows at me. “Can you imagine Ronan’s face if he came home and saw you in something fancy?”

I can. A smirk tugs at the corners of my lips. I remember Ronan’s face when he saw my dress for Cillian’s Christening service.

“I didn’t get you any lingerie,” Tiggy continues, apologetic. “I didn’t know your size.”

“Mellie brought me some underwear.” I nod to the walk-in robe. Tiggy moves into it, rooting through my underwear drawer.

“It’s not lingerie,” she complains, wrinkling her nose as she holds up a pair of plain blue cotton panties.

“I don’t wear lingerie if I’m not on the stage.”

Tiggy glances over at me, looking stricken. “I-I didn’t even think….”

I roll my eyes at her. “I don’t need a social worker.”

She grins sheepishly at me, setting the panties back down, grabbing a handful of coat hangers, and bringing them to the open suitcase.

I shrug. “It’s not for any deep and meaningful reason. I just put on lingerie and feel like I’m at work. I can’t relax in it.”

Tiggy nods thoughtfully, starting to hang the lovely clothes she brought over.

“That makes sense.”

We manage to get everything hung before Cillian starts to wail. Tiggy quickly zips up the suitcase, rolling it back beside the front door, picking him up.

“A diaper change and a feed,” she croons, grabbing his diaper bag and striding off to the bathroom.

I awkwardly set the coffee machine going while I wait for her. Once Cillian’s diaper has been changed, Tiggy settles herself on the sofa, feeding him while I bring our coffee mugs over one by one.

I have almost finished my coffee by the time Cillian has been burped, so Tiggy eagerly hands him over, picking up her mug, sighing contentedly, and leaning back against the sofa, nursing her coffee.

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