Page 45 of Bad at Heart

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I cuddle Cillian, pressing my nose against his soft hair and inhaling.

“Auntie Fi has you safe, precious,” I whisper to him as Tiggy smirks over at me.

“Getting clucky, are we?”

I roll my eyes at her. “I can coo over my honorary nephew without wanting to pop out one of my own.”

Tiggy’s smile only widens. “Remember, Fi, Ronan is almost thirty-three.”

I wrinkle my nose at her. “I’m sure he could find someone to have a baby with.”

Tiggy continues to smirk. I don’t say it aloud, but over my dead body, would Ronan be having a baby with someone else. But he’s not having a baby with me, either. The man is shit out of luck on the baby front.


I’m striding out of Oracle, ready to head home to Fiona when Seamus calls me back.

“I’ll come with you, Ronan. Tiggy and Cillian are at your condo.”

As he finishes his conversation with Connor, I wait for him, leaning against the wall. Finally, he strides over to me.

On the short drive home, Seamus fills me in on the latest developments in the police investigation into the fire at Fiona’s building. They don’t know much, but they’re almost certain it was arson.

They’re running through the list of known residents, figuring out who might have been the target. My fingers clench on the wheel to think I might have lost Fiona over some petty grievance.

They’re also looking into the landlord. He’s already put in a large insurance claim for the building. If he organized for it to be burnt down to claim insurance monies, I’ll gut the fucking prick with a smile.

Tommy, Tiggy and Cillian’s bodyguard, is standing outside my door. He nods to Seamus as I open the door, my eyes immediately noticing the large suitcase beside the front door. Fiona said she wasn’t moving in with Mellie and Niall. The only reason I didn’t clock Niall in the face for suggesting it is because she said she wanted to stay here.

Seamus follows my gaze and smirks as he steps behind me, having spoken quietly to Tommy – probably getting a run-down of Tiggy’s movements today.

“Are we moving in,mo bhean chéile?” he calls to Tiggy, seated on the sofa. At the sound of his voice, Tiggy glances over, her face lighting up, and she laughs.

“No. I brought some clothes over for Fi.”

I let out my held breath. My eyes move to the living room, where it catches again. This time for a completely different reason.

Tiggy is relaxed on the sofa, while Fiona is perched beside her, cuddling Cillian. My heart clenches at the sight of her bending her head, brushing her lips over his little head.

Seamus has moved across the room to drop a kiss on Tiggy’s forehead, but I’m frozen in place, my eyes locked on Fiona as she nuzzles her nose against the top of Cillian’s head, her eyes closed, whispering to him.

At this moment, I can’t help imagining Fiona sitting on our sofa, kissing and nuzzlingourbaby’s head. Blowing out a breath, I rest a hand on the corner of the kitchen island to steady myself.

Jesus fuck. I can see it all. A whole future with Fiona. Because I fucking love her. I would do anything if it meant she would be mine forever. Anything.

Seamus speaks to Fiona, and she beams at him, glancing around, her eyes locking on mine. She offers me a tentative smile as I swallow, willing my feet to move across the room.

When I reach them, Seamus bends down, taking Cillian from Fiona’s arms and cradling his son against his shoulder. Tiggy takes Seamus’s outstretched hand, standing and hugging Fiona, who has also climbed to her feet.

“Enjoy the clothes,” Tiggy tells her, waggling her eyebrows. Fiona giggles, my eyebrows shooting up. I wonder what clothes Tiggy has brought over to elicit such a reaction.

Fiona sinks back onto the sofa when Seamus and Tiggy leave, propping her feet up on the coffee table. I immediately cross to her side, lifting her feet into my lap. She winces slightly, and I know she has spent too much time on them today.

“Ye need to rest them,leannán. Otherwise, they’ll never heal.”

“I know. I just hate being helpless. I hate that other people have to take care of me.”

My heart clenches at her words. “I like looking after ye,leannán.”
