Page 72 of Bad at Heart

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“I need to be inside ye,leannán,” I groan, lifting my head and withdrawing my finger from her body. Fiona smiles down at me, relaxed and open from her orgasm.

Crawling back up her body, I thrust in smoothly as my lips find her throat again. Her muscles clench down on my dick, and a hiss of breath escapes from between my teeth. Fiona’s hands slide up my sides, gripping my shoulder blades, and her legs entwine with mine.

“I love you, Ronan,” she sighs.

I lift my face from her throat, my fingers stroking the hair away from her face as I gaze down at her.

“I love ye too, Fiona.”

Her pupils dilate at the sound of her name since I rarely use it, and her pussy muscles spasm simultaneously. A growl tears from my throat at the feeling, and I take my weight on my forearms, moving in long, deep thrusts as I find my rhythm.

Before long, Fiona is squirming beneath me. Her legs have moved, so her feet are braced flat against the mattress, and she is lifting her hips to meet my thrusts, her fingers digging into my upper arms as her eyes burn into mine.

I see the exact moment she loses control, tumbling into her orgasm. Her eyes widen, and her pupils dilate as her mouth opens in a silent scream. The muscles clenching my dick become so tight my teeth clamp together, but I can’t hold on. Thrusting once more, deep inside her, my head drops to her shoulder as I come with a growl.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Ronan kisses me deeply, his tongue tangling with mine as he rolls off me. Tugging me into his arms, his lips slide along my hairline, and he sighs contentedly.

I can’t believe I’m married. Holding up my left hand, I snuggle into Ronan’s chest while admiring the two rings he placed there today. My wedding band is a pretty silver ring with a Celtic knot pattern carved around it. Ronan has a matching one.

My engagement ring also has a silver band, though this one is plain. A gorgeous emerald sparkles on top of it, held in position by an intricate Celtic love knot design with small embedded diamonds. I’ve never owned much jewelry before and certainly never owned anything so stunning. They’re perfect.

I know Mellie picked out my dress and flowers and everything, but these rings areallRonan. He catches me looking at them, his hand moving, tangling our fingers together as he brings my hand to his face, pressing a kiss to the knuckle of my ring finger.

“Are ye happy,leannán?” he asks quietly, his voice rough with emotion.

“Yes,” I whisper back.

He makes a rumbling, contented noise. We lay in silence for a while as his fingers stroke the backs of mine, occasionally playing with my ring.

Finally, Ronan sighs. I know that sigh, and slightly in his arms, my eyes narrowing suspiciously. That’s the sigh Ronan always huffed whenever I tried to argue for more stripping sets.


Ronan’s fingers tighten on mine, his other hand stroking my hair softly. Cheat. He knows I like that.

“Ye can’t be a waitress at Oracle anymore,leannán,” he says softly. I snort. Yeah, I figured this was coming. If Mellie couldn’t be a bartender, there’s no way they were going to let me be a waitress. Still, I’m not going easily.

No offense to Tiggy, Lauren, and Andie, but I’m not being anyone’s stay-at-home wife. And I’m not planning on popping babies out anytime soon.

“If I can’t be a waitress, what am I supposed to do then?” I ask, my voice biting. “Sit around here and polish your silver?”

Ronan snorts, pressing a kiss to my temple. “We don’t own any silver,leannán. If ye were a decent housewife, ye’d know that.”

I bristle at the implication that I haven’t been pulling my weight with chores around here and twist to glare at him. He’s grinning at me. He’steasingme. The asshole. I flip him off with my free hand, which widens his grin.

“I thought ye might like to help me run the club.”

My eyebrows shoot up. Mellie is in charge of the bars – staffing, ordering, that kind of thing. But she still answers to Ronan. What he’s saying to me – this is kind of a big deal.

“And Seamus would be okay with that?” I ask, sounding skeptical. Ronan smirks at me.

“Ye’d still be answering to me.”

Of course I will. The big, bad Mafioso will still need to be in charge.
