Page 74 of Bad at Heart

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“I’m on my way.” His voice changes as the SUV Bluetooth picks up the call. “The Italians?”

“Not a problem at the moment.”

Liam’s eyes drift to the two bodies.

“Good,” Seamus grunts. “I’ll call Sean. We need to have a sit-down with Gianni. This is getting out of hand.”

“What d’ye want us to do with these two?”

“Photograph their faces. I want to see Gianni’s face to see if he recognizes them. Then get rid of them.”

“Will do, Fitzy.” I end the call as he curses again. Liam moves to help me, smirking.

“Thanks for the wedding invite.”

I raise my eyebrows at him. “It wasn’t that kind of wedding.”

“You and Niall are weird,” he whines, but I shrug.

“Let’s get these two sorted, and then ye can get yerself cleaned up and go and congratulate Fiona in person.”

Liam perks up at the thought, moving to his SUV. I let him go off to see Fiona while I make my way to the location Seamus has texted. Sliding into the small diner, I make my way to the private back room where Sean and Seamus are seated at the round table, with Niall, Paddy, and Conner lining the wall behind them.

“Gianni not here yet?” I grunt.

“Just pulled up,” Darragh, Sean’s right-hand man, announces, coming through the door behind him.

I stride across to take my place beside Niall as Darragh slides into the seat on Sean’s left. From where I’m standing, I can see him remove his gun out of his pocket and point it directly at the chair Gianni will be occupying.

One of the lads leads them in, six of them. Gianni slides into his seat, looking oily and smooth in his suit. Two of his men sit on either side of him, and the other three line the wall beside the door.

“Sean, Seamus.” Gianni greets them both with a nod as they return his greetings. “You said this was a sensitive matter?”

Seamus slides an iPad across the table, the two faces I photographed not three hours ago staring up at Gianni, whose lips tighten.

Sean and Seamus both tense at the sight, and beside me, Connor’s hand moves to the gun at his back, gripping it.

“Ye know them then,” Sean speaks across the table. Gianni’s eyes lift away from the iPad to meet his.

“I do,” he agrees tightly. “They used to be loyal to me.”

“Used to be?” Sean repeats, sounding unhappy.

Gianni sighs heavily. “Yes. Used to. The splinter faction is growing in size,” he reluctantly admits.

Paddy stiffens along the line. That’s not what he wants to hear, especially if they try to come after his little lass.

“These men defected.” Gianni’s eyes sweep over the photographs again, coming up to Sean’s. There is a flash of satisfaction in his eyes. “It would appear you’re assisting me in cleaning house. Albeit inadvertently.”

Sean frowns at the implication. “Why are they down at our warehouses?”

Gianni sighs again, shrugging nonchalantly. “I’m not privy to their reasons. I can reach out to Lastra; see if he will deal with me.”

“Lastra?” Seamus cuts in, sounding unhappy. “MarcoLastra?”

Gianni’s eyes move across to him as he nods tightly. To my right, both Paddy and Niall let out low growls. I guess they’ve both heard of this Lastra clown. I can’t say I like the implication of Niall growling at the name. He must be one hell of a fucking bastard for Niall to have him on his radar.

“I want to be kept in the loop on this, Gianni,” Sean demands. Gianni looks unhappy at the idea, but he reluctantly agrees.

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