Page 75 of Bad at Heart

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It would seem the Italians would rather keep their little split in-house. But that’s not going to work for us. Not when it keeps directly affecting the Irish.

“I can see the need for that,” Gianni concedes grudgingly. “But I want Andreyev kept out of this.”

Igor Andreyev, head of the Russian Bratva here in Boston. He’s a close ally of Sean’s. Has been for almost a decade. There was even talk at one stage of one of his daughters marrying Seamus or Connor.

Sean strokes his chin thoughtfully. “I see no need to involve Igor until absolutely necessary.”

Gianni’s eyes tighten, but he offers no argument. The warning in Sean’s tone is clear. This Italian splinter faction goes too far, and the Irish will call on their alliance with the Russians to clean house. Gianni nods sharply, rising. Sean and Seamus do likewise as the Italians file out of the room.

While Seamus and his father retake their seats, no one moves or speaks until one of the lads pokes his head inside to announce that they have left.

“Those fecking bastards!” Paddy explodes. He’ll be worried this splinter faction will be coming after Lauren again. I don’t blame him.

Connor’s hand comes up to grip his shoulder. Sean sighs, rubbing his hand over his eyes.

“I’ll put a lad on Lauren, Paddy. I’ve already got one on Tiggy and Cillian, and Andie and Eoin as well.”

Seamus’s eyes dart over Niall and me, but we both shrug. I’m not a big enough fish for the Italians to target Fiona, and no one would be suicidal enough to go after the Reaper’s wife.

As Sean and Darragh leave, Paddy drops into the seat Sean vacates. Seamus reaches over and claps him on the back.

“We’ll sort this, Paddy.”

Paddy rubs his eyes. “This is such fecking bullshit.”

We all nod in sympathy. However, Seamus turns to me, determined to lighten the room's mood.

“I hear congratulations are in order, Ronan. My felicitations to your wife.”

I smirk at him and accept the backslaps of the other lads. Connor’s phone buzzes, and it’s at his ear in a second.

“Achuislemochroí?” he breathes down the line. “Is everything all right?” The blood drains out of his face. “I’m on my way!”

“Lucky?” Seamus glances over at his cousin, who is already moving quickly across the room.

“Andie’s threatening to kill my mammy. I’ve got to make sure she’s not serious,” Connor spits back. Paddy and Seamus quickly rise to follow him.

“You shouldn’t have taught Andie to shoot that gun,” Paddy chides him as they leave. Connor throws him a glare.

“Fi’s psycho brother might have been gunning for my pregnant wife. Of course I taught her to shoot!”

Niall snorts, wandering out of the room as the sounds of their bickering fade. I follow him.

I’ll take Fiona to the club tonight to get her started on her new job, but first, I’ve a hankering to taste her.



It turns out that I love managing the girls at Oracle. Ronan was right – no one had an issue with me sliding into the role. I grin at my phone and park my new SUV in the staff parking lot.

Ronan – the over-protective ass he is – insisted on a fancy SUV with all the latest safety features for me. Andie has sent me about five pictures of her son, Eoin. He’s almost five months old now and delicious.

Ronan gets a funny look whenever he catches me holding Eoin or Cillian. It does weird things to my stomach – like settling a colony of butterflies there. I was so sure I didn’t want babies any time soon, but I think Ronan might. And weirdly, that doesn’t seem to bother me much.

Mellie was joking that Niall’s been pushing for her to get pregnant, and she called me yesterday. They’re in Ireland. Again. Mellie thought it would be all magical and shit. Instead, she’s spent most of it hanging over a toilet bowl.

She’s pregnant. And Lauren was texting that she’s agreed to start trying for a baby with Paddy. Honestly, these men are worse than old women. Damn Seamus and Connor for their Fitzpatrick super sperm. This is all their fault. Now I’m thinking that it wouldn’t be half a bad idea.
