Page 54 of Forsaken Royals

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She looked up at me, her eyes wary. I felt her nerves as if they were my own.

“I know you do. And it’s okay.” I brushed her hair out of her face. “I want all of us to be together. If Flint gets the stick out of his ass and ends that spell.”

“Really?” Her grin was euphoric.

“Yeah. All I want is for you to be happy.”

We kissed again, our hands starting to wander. She leaped into my arms, and I put her on the counter, sliding my hands under her shirt. I needed to fuck her, badly.

So, of course, someone knocked on the door.

“Fuck off!” I shouted back.

They knocked more insistently, not letting up. I growled, letting go of Arden, even though doing so literally hurt.

“What?” I barked, yanking the door open.

It was Lucas, non-plussed at my outburst. “Sir, we’ve found a lead on Tommy. He’s on the move, so we should hurry.”



Iwas too on edge to sit down. Finally, we had some information on Tommy—a lot of different leads in different places, but it was better than nothing.

I paced around the central palace office. “Where are they?”

“They’re coming,” Lex said. Somehow, he was sitting still at his desk. “I sent Lucas, so Jagger can’t reject him the way he could with anyone else.”

“And he’s with Arden?”

“Of course.” Lex shot me a mildly annoyed look, as if it were my fault.

It was, to some extent, but he’d agreed to it. My thoughts flashed back to that day in the library, watching Arden come on her own hand.

I dug my hand through my hair, trying to calm my racing heart.

The doors opened, finally, and Jagger and Arden came in. I felt their mate bond the moment I locked eyes on them, radiating like faint trails of magic around them. Lex glanced at me, wide-eyed.

“You two are…” He gestured between the two of us. Arden nodded, still holding onto Jagger’s hand. “Oh.”

“It doesn’t change how I feel about you,” she said, reaching her hand toward Lex. He crossed the room and took it, threading her fingers between his as well. “Either of you. And yes, Flint, I know how you feel about that.”

I bristled, but she was right. Even if she still had feelings for Lex and me, I wouldn’t try to touch a mate bond. Was I jealous? Fuck yes. But I couldn’t focus on that right now.

“We should go,” I said. “We don’t have time to waste, so I’ll brief you both on the ride over.”

We piled into a black SUV, with me in the front passenger seat, Arden and Jagger in the middle, and Lex in the back.

“Where are we going?” Arden tucked herself into Jagger’s side. “To Tommy’s place?”

“Yeah, his old one. We have information on a few places where he could be, so I’ve sent enforcers to scope out the less-likely locations. We’re going to his old apartment building, where he was seen earlier today.”

“And if we find him?” she asked.

“We take him alive.” I gave Jagger a pointed look, and he shrugged. “As terrible as he is, we can’t get more information on the Forsaken Lunars or any other possible kidnappings with him dead. Understood?”

They all agreed. I turned and looked out the window again. I’d devoted my entire life to my kingdom, and especially Rouhaven. Driving through it now, through neighborhoods that used to be rough but were now safe, made guilt set up camp in my stomach. Why hadn’t I fixed it all? Jagger and Lex got on me for thinking like this, for thinking it should all be better by now. But how did they not feel that way? We worked hard to make life good, so I wanted the city to reflect that. I wanted everyone to feel safe.
