Page 139 of A Love Like That

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“What are you talking about, agreed to this job? Your dad asked me to bring you on as a favor.”

She laughed, though it lacked mirth. “That’s funny. He told me the same thing.”

I jerked my head back. This didn’t make any sense. “Sumner, why did you take this job if you don’t want to be here?”

She straightened. “It’s not that I don’t want to be here.” She blew out a breath, still not meeting my eyes. “It’s just—I…” she stammered.

“What is it?” This close, her eyes were almost gray, the light hitting them in such a way that they became a pale green like jade. She blinked rapidly, and I could remember her doing that as a child. A million memories came flooding back in that instant, and I knew she was lying. It was her tell. “You can trust me. You know that. I’ve always said you can tell me anything.”

“I know.” She smiled, and I suspected she’d joined me for her own stroll down memory lane.

But then she shook her head, raven-colored waves curtaining her face from view. “I-I shouldn’t have said anything. Please just drop it.”

Drop it?Was she kidding? I was alarmed by her tone and her words, so I guided her over to the chair, taking a seat next to her. “You’re lying to me. I want to know why.”

She twisted her hands in her lap. Blew out a breath. “My dad and Lea are worried about you.”

A muscle twitched in my jaw even as I attempted to maintain a calm façade. “And what were you going to do? Come to work, keep an eye on me, then report back to them?”

She scowled. “No. I guess I—” She glanced toward the windows briefly then back at me. “It’s not like I didn’t have other plans this summer, but maybe Iwanted to know you were okay. Maybe I missed you.”

I scoffed, but then the way she leaned forward, her expression so earnest, made me realize she was serious.

We’d always had a connection, and though it had been years since I’d seen her, it burned just as strong, even if it was different now. I still wanted to protect her, sure. Wanted to make her laugh. But now there was another layer—attraction, burning hot and bright like a poker.

This was going to be a long summer. But not for the reasons I’d expected.
