Page 14 of Yuletide Hero

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“Good.” He offered her a smile. It was a little strained but a smile nonetheless. “Dinner is ready.”

“It smells amazing.” She drew in a deep breath through her nose.

“Hope it tastes as good as it smells.” Brian set two bowls down at the table and took a seat.

“It will, you know you’re an amazing cook.”

“Thank you,” Brian said, he didn't meet her gaze, and his tone felt a little forced.

“Mmm.” She sighed as she took her first bite. “This is so good. Thank you for cooking me dinner.”

“Of course.”

They both lapsed into silence as they ate. For the first time, Hayley felt uncomfortable around Brian. Back when she was a teenager, sometimes she’d find herself blushing and unable to talk whenever it was just her and Brian, but she hadn't done that in years. Now she felt like that awkward teenager all over again.

What had changed?

Was it just that Brian was worried about her and taking his job as her bodyguard seriously enough that he couldn’t think about anything else?

No. That couldn’t be it because he had been looking at her funny before that. Back in her house when he’d come to see her right after Jay had attacked her at the Turner house, she’d thought he wanted to kiss her.

Was that what had changed?

Had he figured out that she was secretly in love with him, and he was obsessing over how to let her down gently?

Despite her feelings for Brian, she didn't want anything to ruin their friendship. She loved hanging out with him, and she didn't want to lose that just because he didn't see anything more between them than friendship.

“Let me check your hand.”

Brian was kneeling in front of her, and she stared at him trying to figure out what was going on behind those cool blue eyes of his. When he picked up her injured hand his touch was so gentle as he checked her hand and changed the bandage.

When he was done, he didn't let her go.

His fingers curled around hers, and he stared at their joined hands as though he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

After a full minute he stood and slowly released her hand. He leaned in and for a second Hayley was sure he was going to kiss her, but then he touched his lips to her forehead.

“Goodnight, Hayley. You should go up to bed now, you need some rest after everything you’ve been through today. I’ll be down here, and then in the room right next to yours. Jay Turner won't get to you again. Sweet dreams.”

Abruptly, he turned and started to clean up in the kitchen, leaving Hayley staring after him more confused than ever.
