Page 15 of Yuletide Hero

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December 20th

2:43 A.M.

No one took what was his.

No one.

His daughters were his property. What he did with them was no one else’s business. Taking Kinsley was unacceptable, and he would make sure that the child protective services lady paid for that.

Jay Turner thumped the steering wheel of his car in frustration.

He didn't think she had died in the fire. When he’d heard the sirens, he’d had no choice but to run. He hadn't gone far though. His car was parked further down the street, and he’d watched for a little while before it had become too risky, and he’d had no choice but to drive off. But before he had he thought he’s seen Hayley Hood.

When the idea to set fire to her house had occurred to him, he’d thought that the flames would take hold much quicker than they had and that the house would be a raging inferno by the time fire trucks arrived. But it hadn't worked out that way. The rocks wrapped in cloth that he’d set a match to seemed to have fizzled out shortly after he’d thrown them through the windows. He should have used an accelerant, but he’d been in a hurry, eager to exact his revenge. Such a simple mistake but one that had saved the woman’s life.

If it was the last thing he ever did that girl would be punished.

Not just killed but punished before he ended her life.

Punished in the most horrific way he could think of. Burned alive hadn't worked out, but Jay was sure he could think up something equally as horrible as befitting messing with what was his.

His kids, his wife, they belonged to him. His home was his castle and there he was king. His wife was there to attend to his needs, prepare his meals, do his laundry, and keep the children out of his hair. The children were to be seen and not heard, and when they needed a reminder of that he was all too happy to give it to them. What business was it of anyone else’s if that reminder included physical punishment? As a kid he had been beaten whenever he broke the rules, it hadn't done him any harm, it was the way of the world.

Tracking Hayley Hood down hadn't been hard. He knew her name from when she came to his house and took his kid. All he had to do was a couple of simple searches and he found her. If he had been able to find her once, he’d be able to find her again.

That wasn't what was worrying him.

Thanks to that obnoxious woman, his kid had been taken, and now he couldn’t even go back home. Where was he supposed to stay? It was winter, snowing outside, it wasn't like he could stay in his car, he’d freeze to death. But if he went back home he’d no doubt be arrested, his bail revoked, and he’d be spending Christmas in the local jail.

He hit the steering wheel again.

He wanted to wrap his hands around Hayley Hood’s neck and squeeze the life out of her. He wanted to hit her over and over again until she understood that nobody told him what to do and nobody controlled him.

Jay had half a mind to track her down right now and finish what he’d started.

Hayley Hood wasn't the only one who would be getting punished.

That kid of his would be getting a beating when she came back home. If the stupid thing had just kept her mouth shut about what had happened to her older sister, then none of this would have happened. Leah had had a smart mouth on her, she’d thought that she could talk back, she thought that she could defy him, she had thought that she was worth something.

He had taught her.

He would teach all of them.

His wife was no better. Maria was supposed to be in charge of the children, and yet she seemed incapable of controlling them. Leah hadn't learned what a woman’s place was, and neither had Kinsley. Child rearing was the mother’s responsibility and if Maria couldn’t even do that then what good was she? When he got his hands on her he was going to teach her a lesson she would never forget.

Those interfering cops and CPS people might be monitoring his wife’s cell phone, but when he found somewhere to hide out, he was going to risk calling her. It might be a while before he could get his hands on Kinsley or Hayley Hood, but he needed to do something to release some of the anger building inside him, and Maria was going to take the brunt of it. It was her place after all.

Jay was getting tired of driving around and around. He had to find somewhere to spend the night. He needed some sleep if he was going to find out where the social worker was hiding.


He slowed the car and pulled it over to the side of the road.


That was just what he had been looking for.

Parking his car, he got out and strode up to the house before him. It was a building site, but it looked like it was mostly finished. He should be warm enough inside. He could crash, get a couple of hours sleep, and be gone before the workers returned later this morning.
