Page 29 of Yuletide Hero

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“I can't explain it, Brian, I just feel a connection to her. I’ve worked with so many kids since I became a social worker, and I care about all of them and want to do whatever I can for all of them to make their lives better, but with Kinsley, it just feels different.”

“Maybe it’s because she’s the same age as you were when you were saved, and she does look like you, with the dark hair and the blue eyes. Maybe that’s why you’re identifying with her so—” his sentence was cut off when their car was rammed from behind.

It was snowing out, lightly, but if you weren't used to driving in snow it could be a little disconcerting, and for a moment, he thought it was just an inexperienced driver losing control and hitting their car.

But then they were hit again.

“Brian.” Hayley squeezed the hand that still held hers.

“Hold on.” He quickly squeezed back then put both hands on the wheel as a third slam shook the car.

“It’s Jay,” Hayley said.

She was almost definitely right. “Maria must have told him where Kinsley was, and he knew that sooner or later you would turn up there so he was lying in wait.”

“I’m sorry,” Hayley apologized as she finally realized why he hadn't wanted to take her there.

He wanted to reassure her, but the car that had been hitting them from behind rushed up at their side, cutting them off and giving him no choice but to veer off the road.

Brian tugged on the wheel, intending to swerve around the car and get back in front, but as though anticipating that was what he would try to do, Jay sped up, and before he could do anything about it they slammed into a tree.

Hayley’s side took the brunt of the impact, but his body was still flung forward and then jerked backward with a snap that was felt through every inch of his body.

A car door slammed.

Footsteps sounded.

His head was ringing, and the urge to check on Hayley was strong, but he ignored it and pulled out his gun.

“Don’t move, Jay,” he ordered. He couldn’t really see where the man was, but he knew he was out there somewhere.

“I’m here for the girl,” a voice snarled, and then Hayley’s door handle jiggled.

Brian didn't think twice.

He aimed the gun and fired.

A frustrated growl let him know he hit his target, but the pounding footsteps and revving car engine said the wound he had inflicted wasn't serious enough to incapacitate Jay Turner.

Getting out of the car in time to get a license plate wasn't an option because his body was still pulsing with a steady beat of pain, and he knew he wasn't coordinated enough to move quickly yet.

Instead, he turned to Hayley who was slumped in her seat, blood streaking the side of her face.

Brian pressed his fingers to Hayley’s neck, and she immediately stirred. “I’m all right, just sore. You got him.”

“Not enough to stop him, I'm sorry.” He knew he should have trusted his instincts and kept Hayley at his house whether she liked it or not.

Hayley winced but turned her head in his direction. “You stopped him from dragging me out of the car, don’t be sorry, you just saved my life.”

“I got you hurt.” His gaze went to a gash on her forehead, and he gently grasped her chin, angled her face, and touched the tip of his finger to her temple.

“You saved my life,” she repeated.

His heart was still racing, and he leaned over and rested his forehead on the top of Hayley’s head. If Jay Turner had gotten his hands on her, he never would have forgiven himself. Brian couldn’t imagine his life without Hayley in it—nor did he want to.

Right now, he had to get Hayley medical treatment and then someplace safe, then the two of them needed to talk.

* * * * *
