Page 30 of Yuletide Hero

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11:01 A.M.

Brian rested his forehead against hers.

Despite the raging headache she had from bumping her head twice in as many days, the first thought that popped into her mind was that she hoped the next thing he did was kiss her.

But he didn't.

Someone hammered on the car door, and Brian released her and turned around.

“Are you okay?” someone demanded, yanking the driver’s door open.

Brian put his gun away. “We’re okay. Have the cops been called? And an ambulance?”

“I don’t need an ambulance,” Hayley protested automatically.

“We’ll see,” Brian shot over his shoulder.

“I called 911 when that other car ran you off the road,” the woman at the car door said. “Did you know him?”

“Unfortunately, we did,” Brian replied.

If there had been any doubt before that Jay Turner was determined to kill her then it was gone now. He wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. And what he wanted was her dead. Probably a long, drawn-out death.

“I better call your mom, Ryan, and Brady. We need to decide how we’re proceeding next.”

While Brian made the call, Hayley rested her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes. Although she had a headache it wasn't all that bad. She didn't feel dizzy or nauseous, so didn't think she had a concussion, and she wasn't sore anywhere else so didn't think she had any other injuries either. All she wanted was to go home and lie down for a while.

Well not home.

As long as Jay Turner was out there, she couldn’t go back home.

And they probably couldn’t go back to Brian’s house either.

Hopefully, the woman who had knocked on the car door or someone else had seen something that would help Adam, Jessica, and the rest of the police department find where Jay Turner was hiding.

He obviously knew where Kinsley was since he must have followed them from there knowing that sooner or later she would show up there so he’d staked out the place. She hoped that he didn't decide to try to get to Kinsley. He thought of the little girl as his property, and he would no doubt make a play to get her back at some point.

“How’re you doing?”

Hayley opened her eyes to see Brian crouching beside her open door. “Okay, I’m just tired, and my head hurts a little, but I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

“Let me take a look at you.” He picked up her wrist, checked her pulse, and then shone a light in her eyes.

Knowing what he was going to ask she rattled off, “No dizziness, no nausea, just a headache.”

“All right, no hospital.” He smiled, setting her hand down in her lap. “A cop is going to drive us into the office. Brady, Ryan, and your mom will meet us there.”

Before she could climb out of the car, Brian reached over and unclipped her seat belt, then scooped her up into his arms, carrying her to a nearby cruiser. He set her on the backseat then slid in beside her, wrapping an arm protectively around her shoulders and settling her close at his side.

Hayley didn't fight it. Snuggled in Brian’s arms was exactly where she wanted to be right now. How close she had come to being in Jay Turner’s clutches was starting to sink in. He had been just outside the car. He’d been trying to get in. If Brian hadn't fired his gun at him, he probably would have gotten her.

Brian had saved her life.

She was the one who had wanted to go to the group home to visit with Kinsley Turner because she just couldn’t shake the need to be there for the little girl. She’d worked with a lot of kids, and she’d never felt a connection like this to one of them before.

Because of her, Brian could have been seriously hurt.

As could anyone else who had been on the road when Jay had tried—succeeded—in running them off the road.
