Page 79 of Yuletide Hero

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This was a dream come true for her. She wanted to say yes, but was this too soon? Was it the right thing to do? Should she be making big life-altering decisions on the back of such a traumatic experience?

Although she had trained herself out of it over the last twenty years, letting her head and not her emotions guide her, Hayley knew this was one time she had to let her heart make the decision.


“Yes?” Brian arched a brow.

“Yes.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him without any regard for the fact that her whole family—her parents and little sister as well as Brian’s parents—were all here and watching.

A cheer went up around the room, and she broke the kiss, laughing even as her cheeks turned bright red.

“Okay, okay, show over,” Brian said.

“I really love you,” she told Brian as everyone went back to what they'd been doing.

“I really love you too, and if we didn't have concussions and a patchwork of bruises over our bodies, I'd show you how much when we get home.”

“I think we can find something we can do,” she said, giving Brian another quick kiss. “But now we have to get these decorations ready to put on the tree.”

“You are such a tease,” Brian muttered, fighting a grin as he returned to unpacking the decorations.

Hayley laughed. This was just the kind of day she loved the most, her family together, Christmas just hours away, and the man she loved sitting beside her. She might be tired, sore, and still a little breathless, but this was definitely turning out to be one of the best Christmases she’d ever had.
