Page 44 of Yuletide Guard

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If they didn't care about strangers, then maybe they would care if he went after one of them.

That could be the answer.

And it wasn't like he had anything to lose. If this didn't work, then he would simply find something that did.

Nothing was going to keep him from Samara.


He would fight for her with every fiber of his being. He would do whatever it took. They could throw him in prison, they could lock Samara in a safe house, they could move her to the ends of the earth, and he would find her. He would find a way for the two of them to be together.

Dante was confident with his new plan to go after one of the people who was keeping the woman he loved away from him, then they could see how it felt. The ache in your chest that no medicine could cure, the hole in the pit of your stomach, the feeling of half of your soul missing. See how they liked it.

There were plenty of options to choose from. He would have to put some thought into it to try to figure out what would make the biggest impact on those who stood between him and Samara.

As much as he thought this new plan would work where the last one had failed, what if it didn't?

What would he do next?

He felt panic grow inside him.

It welled up, and he lurched back to his feet and resumed stomping.

What would he do if he never got Samara?

He’d never stop trying but trying didn't always mean succeeding.

He would rather be dead than not have Samara.

He would rather she be dead than have to live without her.

Was that a possibility?

If this didn't work, maybe he could do something that would kill both him and Samara—and anyone trying to get in his way—and that way, they would be together for eternity.

That was an enticing idea. This world wasn't a good place, it was too full of pain and evil, but the afterlife was a place of peace and calm. He would miss not having her here, especially since he had gone to so much trouble to make this place just perfect, a home that would have been a happy one. And it could still work that way, but if it didn't, he might consider ending both their lives together so that they could be united in death.

Dante wanted to spend eternity with Samara, but he also wanted her here. He wanted to kiss her and touch her and make love to her, then they could travel into the next world.

This had to work.

It had to.

He stormed out of the house and into the cold, snowy night. He had to cleanse himself from his wicked and doubtful thoughts. He had to cleanse his body so that he could cleanse his mind and his soul.

Dante stripped of his shoes, his sweater, shirt, pants, socks, and underwear, dropping them at his feet, then he stood naked in the middle of the yard. Snowflakes danced about him, and the wind whipped through his short hair, goosebumps broke out all over his skin, but he relished the cold.

Cold was cleansing.

And right now, he needed to be cleansed.

It wasn't enough.

Standing here wasn't enough.

Dante threw himself down into the snow that was piled a foot high and began to grab handfuls of it, rubbing it over every inch of his body. He couldn’t leave a single spot untouched. He scrubbed as hard as he could, raking his nails along with each rub so that the snow could almost get inside him.

When he was satisfied he had done a good job, Dante sunk into the snow, stretching out in it, enjoying the way his limbs tingled with the cold. He stared up at the sky. It was full of clouds and the snow coming down was pretty thick, but he could still see the faint glow where the moon was going down and the lightening of the sky where the sun would soon be rising.

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