Page 104 of A Journey For Jasmine

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He’d spent too much of his life doing that with Noelle. When she’d been in a mood or acting differently, he’d let her go and figured she’d tell him if she wanted to.

But she didn’t always and it affected their communication spending so much time guessing.

Then he realized that in the almost three months that he’d known Jasmine, he hadn’t gone to see her at work once.

Maybe it was time he took that step. To see one of her loves. It’d be the right thing to do and he could see her in her environment on top of it.

He knew that sometimes she started her day at the greenhouses or ended there, but wasn’t often there during the middle of the day.

At eleven, he grabbed his keys and left, saying he had some errands and drove to downtown and parked.

He walked into the flower shop, two women working. One stocking flowers in a cooler, another one behind the desk waiting on a customer.

“Can I help you?” the one at the cooler said.

“Is Jasmine here?”

“She is,” the woman said. “Do you have an appointment? She’s in the back, but I’ll go get her.”

“No appointment. Just tell her Wesley is here.”

“Oh,” the woman said. “You’re the boyfriend. Damn, lucky her again. I’m Violet.”

He’d heard her name before. Thought it was funny another woman with a flower name worked here, but he was starting to realize that happened more than normal. Something about this place.

“Nice to meet you,” he said, shaking her hand.

“I’ll be right back. Look around if you want. Though it’s not like Jasmine needs flowers.”

He smiled and did look around the shop. It was bigger than he realized and arranged beautifully. He knew the work was Jasmine’s and was impressed.

“Hey,” she said, coming out and wiping her hands on an apron she had around her waist. “What’s going on?”

“I took a break and thought I’d come see where you work. I realized that I haven’t yet. You’re at my place all the time.”

“That’s nice,” she said. “Violet, this is Wesley Wright.”

“We met,” Violet said. “He’s yummy.”

Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Get your own. Wesley, this is Chris. She is normally out running errands, but you caught us all in here today.”

“Are you busy?” he asked. “Can you take some time to get lunch?”

“I’ve got to finish up a few arrangements that won’t take me long. Maybe thirty minutes then I can get some lunch. If you’ve got things to do you can.”

“Can I come back and watch you work?”

“Really?” she asked, looking stunned.

“Sure. I know it’s such a passion of yours. I want to see you in your element.”

“Ahhhh,” Violet said. “What a keeper he is.”

He smiled and winked. “See. They think I’m being sweet.”

“Come on back,” Jasmine said with a grin. Maybe he was wrong and there wasn’t much going on. That he was seeing something that wasn’t there.

He followed her to the back and saw the tables all lined up and flowers everywhere. It was organized chaos in his eyes.
