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He got the feeling she was waiting on him and here he was waiting on her. The dancing was getting tiring, but he felt unsure of himself when he never did before in his life.

When the doorbell went off, he walked to the front door and opened it. Jasmine was standing there in tan shorts that weren’t covering a lot of her legs. She was on the shorter side so they were probably meant to show even more skin than they were.

Her T-shirt was purple, she had flip-flops on, and her hair in a ponytail. Minimal makeup he realized now, and a floral bag over her shoulder.

“Come in,” he said.

“This is a nice house,” she said. “I’m getting used to nice houses. Between Lily’s, Poppy’s and Rose’s homes now. All different and all beautiful. This is modern like Rose and Thomas’s house.”

“What do the other two have?” he asked just for conversation.

She was following him toward the back of the house. “Oh lord. That kitchen. Tell me you cook.”

He laughed. “Sort of. I can and do, but not often.”

“It’s stunning. So clean and bright.”

“Good thing I’m not a slob with all the white everywhere.”

“Something tells me you are pretty meticulous about everything in your life,” she said. “But you asked about houses. Lily’s is a big old colonial. It’s been completely redone inside over the years and since Zane is a contractor he does anything and everything. All the greenhouses are there too and he cares for the buildings they all own. Poppy and Reese live out at the McGill Estate. I’m not sure the style of the house. French Provincial mansion maybe. It’s massive, but Reese has been updating some of the rooms while keeping the old charm and character. He’s a woodworker. Zane helps him too when he can.”

“Sounds like a tight-knit family,” he said. Something he didn’t have growing up. Noelle did. She was close to her sister and her brother. They’d done a lot of things as a family and as couples with them.

When Noelle started to get nieces and nephews, he thought for sure they’d follow suit, but it never happened.

“They are. Nothing comes between those girls. I feel that way with my sisters too, but I guess it’s different. We are there for each other though we aren’t in the same location.”

“The 911 approach,” he said, smiling.

“That’s it. Show me your pool. It sure is hot out.”

“Do you need to change?” he asked.

“Nope. Got my suit on now. Looks like you need to catch up.”

“I do. I’ll show you out back and then I’ll go get changed.”

They moved past the kitchen to the accordion doors. “This is nice,” she said when he opened one.

“They are when it’s not so hot out.”

He closed it behind him and they were on a covered patio. It was more like a part of the house with the back wall removed looking out over the pool.

It was covered from the elements and gave them privacy. He’d gotten some nice comfortable patio furniture to keep here and drink his morning coffee. He had an enclosed sunroom next to it too, but he liked the patio personally.

She dropped her bag on the sectional he enjoyed sitting on and slid her shoes off. “What are you waiting for? Go change.”

He grinned and grabbed her quickly to kiss her, then left for his first floor bedroom to put his swimsuit on.

He couldn’t have been more than two minutes with as fast as he was moving. When he rushed back he saw her standing by the pool in an extremely tiny dark purple bikini with large white flowers on it.

The top was triangles that barely covered her breasts. If she was any bigger not much would be covered other than her nipple.

Her bottoms had two strings on each side holding the front and back together. Again, not covering a lot but keeping all the important parts from being exposed.

If he had a mirror in front of him he was sure he’d have to roll his tongue back in his mouth like Goofy did when he saw some food.

She turned and looked at him, sent him a sexy grin and started to walk into the water on the shallow end. Diving in, she swam a bit underwater, popping up on the deep end where he was now standing on the concrete and waiting for her.
