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“No to the doctor’s. I’m going to call in a few minutes to get an appointment. I’ve held off taking a home test and this morning I couldn’t wait any longer. Reese was more excited than me.”

“That is wonderful,” Jasmine said. “I’m so happy I was here to share in the news too.”

“You’re like family to us,” Poppy said. “You’ve been here for years and are part of our lives. Not just our employee.”

“Thank you,” she said. “That means the world to me to hear it.”

Lily’s hand rubbed Jasmine’s shoulder. “Poppy is right. You’re family to us and we can’t wait to meet your sister. You will bring her in, right?”

“Of course. I appreciate you letting me take the rest of the week off on short notice like this. You know where to reach me though if you need anything.”

“We’ll be fine,” Lily said. “Enjoy this time with your sister.”

“Are you going to introduce Wesley to her?” Poppy asked.

“Poppy,” Rose said. “Of course she is. Right, Jasmine? You’ve been dating over a month now.”

“Yes. Not tonight,” she said. “Tomorrow night the three of us are going to dinner.”

“Guess you won’t be spending the night with Wesley while your sister is here,” Poppy said. “You should go over and get a quickie in with him now before you pick Ivy up.”

Jasmine laughed. No way she was saying she hadn’t spent the night yet. “Ivy plans on sightseeing some of her time here. I’ll still see Wesley, but it’s only a few days. She is flying back home on Sunday. Besides, he’s crazy busy.”

“Speaking of crazy busy,” Lily said. “I need to get some more things squared away. Every time I think I’m ready to go out I find out more is going on.”

“You need an assistant,” Rose said. “Not a secretary for the business, but an assistant for you. We’ve been saying this all along. Someone to organize your work and calls and appointments. Do the little things that you won’t want to let go of to just anyone.”

“That is what technology is for,” Lily said.

“Please,” Poppy said. “An assistant can jump in and help when technology can’t. Rose is right. We know you’re going to be working on your maternity leave even though you said you were taking six weeks doing nothing.”

Jasmine didn’t believe Lily could stay away for six weeks but understood when it’s your business it was hard to distance yourself.

The flower shop wasn’t hers, but it sure the heck felt like it, which was why she’d felt horrible taking a few days right now knowing that Lily could be going into labor.

But it was only two days. She had Saturday off anyway, and she was here today. Thursday and Friday off wasn’t bad. She was going to finish the wedding flowers they had for Saturday today and leave the rest for Violet to do and deliver on Saturday.

It was the first wedding she’d be off for, but she had to tell herself to dial it back. Violet had this along with the rest of her staff.

“I’m going to try,” Lily said. “And if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do, but I will consider your suggestions for an assistant. It’s not easy to find someone and you know it.”

Everyone left and she got to work herself.

As Lily said, so much to do, but Jasmine did want to enjoy her time with her sister.


Good For Me

“What are you still doing here?”

Wesley was walking around the marina and checking on a few last minute things when his mother asked that question.

“What?” he asked.

“Aren’t you going to dinner with Jasmine and her sister tonight?”

He looked at his watch. “I’ve got an hour. I’m leaving when I’m done here and then going home to shower and change. I’m meeting them out. Why?”
