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His mother clicked her tongue at him. “You should be picking them up.”

“Mom,” he said, sighing. “It’s not a date. Not like you think.”

“You haven’t seen or talked to Jasmine since her sister arrived?”

He laughed. “Ivy flew in yesterday afternoon. It’s been twenty-four hours. I don’t see Jasmine daily and you know it. We’ve been communicating via text. I’m giving her time to be with her family that she hasn’t seen in a few years.”

“Just don’t get caught up in work or distance yourself because family is here to meet.”

He was fighting back the annoyance on that statement. “I’m not doing either of those things. I think I’ve been good about taking time off to spend it with Jasmine all the while I’m trying to learn a new career and run my business. Not to mention she is busy. Summer is always busy and she has weddings and events almost every weekend.”

“I know,” his mother said. “I’ve booked two weddings myself now for the fall and I’m so excited over that. I feel like things are starting to come together. I’ve got a few more calls for weddings next summer.”

“That’s great,” he said. “You haven’t said a word to me about it.”

“We haven’t had time to sit down and talk. We can meet when you want.”

“Maybe we can catch up next week sometime,” he said. “Mondays are slow for you. I’ve got some financial reports to go over with you too. Things are looking good though.”

“All positive things,” his mother said. “But I’m more concerned over your personal life.”

“My personal life is just fine,” he said. “And if you don’t want my girlfriend mad at me for being late, then you’ll let me finish what I need to so I can get out of here.”

“Ah, you said you had a girlfriend.”

She patted his cheek and then moved on to where she was going and he shook his head.

It did seem odd to him at thirty-seven to say he had a girlfriend, but what else would he call her?

He got stopped a few more times and realized he was going to be late and was rushing to get home. He jumped in the shower, changed into shorts and a shirt, slipped on sneakers and was out the door.

When he pulled into the restaurant parking lot, he’d seen Jasmine getting out of her SUV with her sister. They looked alike, though Ivy was a little taller and had longer hair. They weren’t identical but definitely sisters.

Jasmine had on tan shorts and a navy T-shirt with leather sandals on her feet. Ivy was wearing jean shorts that were pushing the boundaries on length, but he supposed that thought made him old rather than in fashion. Ivy also had a sleeveless shirt on, the front tucked in, the back hanging out. The shirt was loose and covered her more than the shorts and she had flip-flops on her feet.

She looked more like a college kid than twenty-five and maybe this was part of what Jasmine had said before about Ivy being flighty.

No, he was being judgmental and shouldn’t be and had to stop it.

“Hi,” he said, moving closer.

“Wesley,” Jasmine said, “perfect timing. Ivy, this is Wesley Wright.”

He shook hands with Ivy Greene. “Wow, Jasmine. You were right. He’s hot.”

He laughed and looked at Jasmine and saw her blush. “Thank you. I think the same of your sister.”

“And he’s funny,” Ivy said. “I’m glad someone is loosening you up.”

He frowned. “I’ve found Jasmine to be pretty loose.”

Jasmine started to laugh when Ivy bumped shoulders with her. “Good for you, Jasmine.”

“He doesn’t mean it that way,” she said.

“No,” he said. “I mean she’s funny and outgoing. Some might say she’s good for me.”

“Aren’t you two just so sweet,” Ivy said. “I’m jealous. I can’t seem to find anyone who thinks that about me.”
