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He barely had time to clean his pool and made sure he had equipment that did most of the work. He had someone taking care of the lawn work because it wasn’t something he enjoyed doing. Not even in Tampa. He had someone doing it there too.

“That is one good thing about renting,” she said. “I never have to worry about any of that stuff.”

“Grandpa does everything at home,” Ivy said. “He’s getting ornery too.”

Wesley smiled. His grandparents had been gone for a few years. At least his mother’s parents. His father’s mother was still alive, but she lived in an assisted living facility. He hadn’t seen her in years. The last time, she didn’t know who he was. He’d rather remember her the way he had as a kid. Even then they weren’t close. His father was just like his mother and always had a negative word to say or wanted something from someone.

“What’s going on?” Jasmine asked. “You haven’t said a word.”

Ivy shrugged. “Nothing major. Just that he’s old school in his thinking. He wants me on a leash and I’m twenty-five. I shouldn’t have a curfew.”

“You live under his roof,” she said. “Those are his rules. It’s not like he was strict like Dad.”

He’d heard before how the girls weren’t allowed to date and he respected that. The man might have been bringing his kids all over the world and maybe not always there for them, but he did try to watch out for them.

“I know,” Ivy said. “But I want to come and go when I can. I’ve been giving them rent.”

“You are?” she asked.

“Yeah. It was Grandma’s idea. I wasn’t happy at first, but I get it. If I was on my own I’d be paying for a lot more than I am. They don’t need it, but they are trying to get me to learn to budget better. It’s just if I’m paying rent, then I shouldn’t have to follow his rules.”

“I know it’s not my business,” he said. “But it’s still their house and property. What are the rules?”

“Yeah,” Jasmine asked. “What are they? I know you’re not the neatest person so if it has to do with cleaning, suck it up.”

Ivy laughed. “That is some of it. I get it. I’ve got my own bathroom and I do keep it clean. I’m not horrible. I don’t want Grandma picking up after me. She shouldn’t have to. My room isn’t as neat as they’d like, but it’s not bad and they can shut the door. It’s more like they want to know my work schedule and when I’ll be home or not at night.”

“I don’t think that is unreasonable,” Jasmine said. “Maybe it has to do with leaving a light on. Or making sure you’re home safe. Dad would be the same way.”

Ivy sighed. “I know. I just feel like such a failure at times.”

“Stop,” she said. “You’re not. You’ve got a job.”

“I manage a retail clothing store in a mall,” Ivy said. “What kind of career is that compared to the rest of you guys. I didn’t even finish college and you all did. Chase is going to be a doctor and he’s graduating early on top of it.”

“Don’t compare yourself,” Wesley said. “Not everyone is on the same page with everyone else. School isn’t for everyone. You have to find what makes you happy and what you’re good at. If you can live comfortably within your means then it’s all good.”

Things he’d heard his mother and father arguing about for years.

His mother had the money and yet didn’t spend as much as his father. Now his father still wanted more than he had.

Noelle and he had been on the same page there. They weren’t fancy or flashy. Never. He could see the same with Jasmine.

“My mother said I always wanted more than I had,” Ivy said. “I need to learn to get over it.”

“You do,” she said. “Or you need to work harder. That doesn’t mean going to school. That doesn’t mean finding a guy to take care of you either.”

This was news to him. Ivy pouted. “I don’t want that.”

“Ivy,” Jasmine said. “Really? You’ve always been the one that wanted Dad’s attention the most.”

“Wanting his attention doesn’t mean I need a guy to take care of me. I don’t just want a job. I want a career. I just don’t know what that would be and it’s frustrating.”

“You’ll figure it out,” he said. “You’re young yet. Focus on your strengths and likes and go from there.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Ivy said. “Enough about me. Sorry. Tell me more about you, Wesley. My sister seems a little gaga over you and that is a first.”

“Ivy,” Jasmine said.
