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“You work here?” Ivy asked.

Poppy’s head appeared outside her door. “Jasmine. We’ve been waiting for you. You must be Ivy. I’m Poppy. So nice to finally meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you.”

“You have?” Ivy asked.

“Geez, Ivy,” she said. “My family isn’t a secret. I do talk about you guys now and again.”

“Very funny,” Ivy said. “I love your accessories. Jasmine sent me one of your purses and scarves for Christmas. I’ve gotten so many compliments on them.”

“We love to hear that,” Poppy said.

“Your sister didn’t send you one of my rings?” Rose asked, coming out into the hallway.

“I did,” she said. “For Ivy’s birthday. Don’t get me in trouble.”

Ivy grinned and held her hand up showing the floral band on her right hand. “I love it. I never take it off.”

“I’m glad to hear that too,” Rose said. “And this is Daisy. She works with me making jewelry.”

“I thought it was funny when Jasmine told me all the flower names. It’s kind of neat. I even fit in,” Ivy said.

Jasmine looked at her sister and wondered where this might be going but held any comments back.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Daisy said. “I was just going into the store to help someone. Excuse me.”

She watched Daisy slip by. “She works in the store too?” Ivy asked.

“We are jacks of all trades here,” Poppy said. “Rose and I are in the store when they need it, but Daisy covers shifts and does a lot of jewelry fittings, so she meets with someone when there is a need.”

“Yes,” Rose said. “We can see when someone is looking at the jewelry part of the store by the cameras in the back. We’ve got staff walking around to help people, but if they don’t get to someone at the counter, one of us goes out to see if we can help or they call us.”

“It’s like a well-oiled machine here,” Jasmine said.

“That’s great. You could have a little bell too. Not a loud one but a silent one. Someone could ring it at the counter and it’d ding back here,” Ivy said.

“That’s not a bad idea,” Rose said. “I’m not sure why we never thought of it.”

“I manage a retail store. A clothing store,” Ivy said. “Sometimes I’m short staffed and am in the back. The cashiers have a button they can press to get me to come up and help without having to pause in what they are doing or make it known.”

“Do you like working retail?” Poppy asked.

“I do. I like the people. It’s the hours that get to me more than anything. Honestly, I like the ordering and the scheduling more. Or organizing things. It’s fun to talk to the customers and ring them out, but I guess I just feel I’m better suited to train or keep things going behind the scenes.”

“Like managing the flow of work?” Poppy asked, looking at Rose. Jasmine wasn’t sure what this was about.

“I guess you could call it that. I’m always looking for ways to make things seamless. I just don’t have much of a voice though. I guess that is the hardest part. When you work for a national chain company, someone else makes all the decisions.”

“There is normally a reason for that,” Jasmine said. “Why don’t I bring you to the flower shop to meet Violet, Chris and Judy? Then we can go upstairs and you can meet Lily.”

“Can we go into the shop too? I want to get more lotions and soap before I leave.”

“Sure,” she said. “We can do that. You can look around and let me know what you want. I’ll pick them up for you with my discount.”

“Thanks, Jasmine,” Ivy said. “I appreciate it.”

“Hi,” Violet said, moving forward first. “You must be Ivy. Tell us all the juicy things on your sister.”

“Not unless you want to share some of your juicy past,” Jasmine said to Violet.
