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Which explained the cleaning. “Oh, honey. No one said you were a slob.”

“Just not as neat as the rest of you. I won’t get in your way. I promise. I’ll find a job. I’m sure I can find something. Even if it’s part time. I’ve got money put away. I have been saving. I really have.”

She couldn’t tell her sister no, but here she was just starting a new relationship and would that mess things up with Wesley?

Then she thought she was being selfish thinking that.

“Why don’t we both think about it?” she said. “This is sudden. Does it have to do with your breakup with Skyler more than anything?”

“That is some of it, but not all,” she said. “It isn’t that. I’ve been feeling this for a long time. I was going to talk to you about it here. Then I saw how good you’ve got it. I want what you’ve got.”

“What’s that?” she asked.

“I want a job I love. I want to find friends I can connect with. I don’t have any friends,” Ivy said, crying again.

She had no idea it was this bad. “Why?” she said. “You’ve always been so outgoing.”

“Come on, Jasmine. Don’t tell me you didn’t struggle when you moved to Georgia for college. We all had to. Or am I the only idiot that sounded like a naive fool to people? I didn’t even know what a boy band was.”

She started to laugh and then covered her mouth. “You weren’t alone. I had the same problem. On the outside I tried to turn it around and say the things I knew they didn’t know.”

“I didn’t,” she said. “I just laughed it off at times. Maybe I played the dumb card when I shouldn’t have because it was easier.”

“You did take the easy way out a lot in life,” she said.

“I know. Flighty. That is what you’ve always said I was.”

“It was a joke and maybe we shouldn’t have done it, but we did,” she said. “And we can’t take it back.”

“It’s fine,” Ivy said. “I get it. But I do want to move here. I won’t get in the way with you and Wesley. You still stayed with him last night. I’ve got to imagine you’re never here much with him, right? He’s got to have a nice house.”

“He does. And you’re right: we rarely come here unless he is picking me up. When I say let’s think about it, I mean both of us. You’re the one making the big change. Leaving a job and the only home that you’ve had this long.”

“I know. But it never felt like a home. The last few nights here did. This place feels like you. It feels like me. The things I want to do with a place of my own. If I ever had one. I need to take that step and I’m scared.”

But she’d be less scared with her sister with her.

“I understand. If it’s what you want to do, then yes. I’m not going to turn you away. You know that. But go home. Talk to Grandma and Grandpa. Listen to what they’ve got to say. Look to see if there are jobs around here you’re interested in. But know you’ve got a place to stay. How does that sound?”

“Perfect,” Ivy said. “Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

“I’m glad. Now we’ll put it from our minds and you tell me what you want to do today.”

“I want to go to Foxwoods. I’ve never been to a casino before. And they’ve got a comedy show tonight. There are still tickets. I’ve never seen a live comedy show. Please?”

“That sounds like a lot of fun,” she said. “And to make you feel better, I haven’t been there either.”

“Not to a casino or comedy show?” Ivy asked.

“Nope. I’ve never had any desire even though it’s right there so close by. I think it’ll be a great time. Let's just have fun. Deal?”

“Deal,” Ivy said, hugging her.

Ivy was known to change her mind often, but Jasmine had a feeling this might not be one of those times.

She’d told herself she wanted to be in control in her life and she could be still. It was better than her sister showing up unexpectedly, which might have happened if they didn’t have these few days together.

