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“I manage the Blossoms Flower Shop. If you’ve been in there you would have seen me I’m sure.”

“We have,” Megan said. “That and the retail store next to it many times. We just love all their products. Or Carly and I do. Logan couldn’t care less and hates when I drag him in there. And we’ll let you get on with your night. Again, nice to meet you.”

Wesley shut the gate and they went back to their dinner.

“That was nice,” Jasmine said to him. “Now you know your neighbors.”

“I do,” he said. “So do you.”

He’d wanted her introduced because even though she didn’t live here, he was finding he wanted her here more often than she was.

Now he just had to see if he could get her on the same page as him.

Meeting her family in a few weeks was a good first step.


In a Good Place

“Wesley, there is someone up front asking to talk to the owner.”

“Did he give his name?” he asked Kelly, one of the girls working in the store. He had some summer help that would be going back to college soon, but Kelly was full time and enjoyed her job. Once things slowed down the store itself would have reduced hours, but he’d been told that didn’t happen until early October. It was still busy in the fall.

He was thrilled to get through his first summer. He supposed the timing of it was throwing him in headfirst and made for a fast learning curve.

Pretty soon he’d be dealing with how things were done to winterize the boats or work on other ones over the winter. He hadn’t had too many dealings with that but knew that the mechanics that he had on staff had been busy too and the revenue was coming in great there.

Just one more note to make for himself to see how busy it was in the winter for that. His guess was they put off a lot of work on boats to do in the winter, but he should find out.

“No,” Kelly said. “Just that he’d like to speak to the owner. Do you want me to ask his name?”

“It’s fine,” he said, standing up. Being the new owner, he’d gone out to meet a lot of people when he could.

But this wasn’t a new person.

This was a person he didn’t even care to see let alone talk to.

“Wesley,” his father said. “I can’t get over this place. It’s amazing.”

“What are you doing here, Dad?” he asked. Kelly lifted her eyebrow at him, but he brushed it off.

“I decided to take a vacation with Brenda and surprise you.”

“Brenda came with you?” he said. “She doesn’t like to fly.” His stepmother had to drive everywhere and if they drove all this way to surprise him, he knew he wasn’t going to like the reason for it.

“No, we drove. Thought we’d take a sightseeing trip. Dropped Michele off at college and hit the road.”

Michele was his youngest half-sister. He had a half-brother too that was in his senior year of college, he thought. He couldn’t remember and didn’t try to. His father married a younger woman that wanted to be a stay-at-home wife and she got that.

His father was waited on as he wanted but then bitched that money was tight all the time. It’s not like he’d ever paid child support. With his mother making the money in the household, she waved it. He knew looking back his mother just didn’t want to have to pay any alimony to his father and he wondered if that might have been part of a settlement for them to just part ways.

He’d never asked, as it wasn’t his business, but the divorce was pretty fast which also surprised him.

There were just some things in life he stayed away from or didn’t get involved in. That was one of them.

“And Mystic was on your road trip?” he asked. “Michele is in college in South Carolina, right?”

“She is,” his father said. “We figured why not since we are empty-nesters. Why don’t you show me around the place?”
