Page 17 of Ruby Malice

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“And yet accurate.”

I turn to him. Kirill is still facing the road, but I know he is watching me. He plays cold and distant really well, but he’s perceptive. He wouldn’t have followed me outside, saved me from that guard, and offered me a ride home if he wasn’t interested. Right?

“No wonder my sisters are miserable.”

“I’d love to hear how that’s also my fault.”

“Not you, exactly. But your type. People like you. They married wealthy assholes with broken moral compasses.”

Kirill’s hand readjusts on the wheel. His long fingers are elegant in their callousness. Tanned and strong. He broke a leg with the heel of his foot. What could he do with those fingers if I let him?

“Last I heard, women everywhere were looking for a wealthy man.”

“People chase all kinds of things that aren’t good for them,” I say. “Money, fame, drugs. It’s human nature. Take my sisters, for example. Our dad abandoned us and we grew up poor. They never wanted to go without again, so they found Daddy proxies to take care of them. Now they’re married to rich, obnoxious men who don’t give a shit about them. It’s the human instinct to survive. The trouble is, we don’t always know what’s best for us.”

Kirill chuckles. “You certainly aren’t shy about your opinions.”

“Yeah, well, you and your friends weren’t shy about being assholes.”

“You spilled wine on my date because you couldn’t stop staring at me, but I’m the asshole?”

I flush with embarrassment because he’s right. All I can think to say is, “I thought Viktoria wasn’t your girlfriend.”

“She isn’t. She was my date.”

“Oh, right. Your ‘date.’ Otherwise known as the woman you planned to take home and fuck tonight until she lost your interest.”

“That title is a bit long, but it covers the basics.”

I shake my head. “You’re disgusting.”

“So you keep saying. If you were expecting me to be as pure as the driven snow, keep on expecting,printsessa.”

I hate how transparent I feel in his presence. He seems to be clued in to my deepest feelings and wishes. Things I’d never admit to myself, let alone to him.

“This has nothing to do with me. I’m not jealous; I’m grossed-out. You’re so cavalier about all of this. I mean, who cares if you don’t even like the woman you stick your dick in? My whole gender is just a means to an end, right?”

He glances over. “That’s a good question. Who does care? Because I don’t.”

My mouth falls open. “You’re kidding, right? You want me to explain why you should like a woman before you have sex with her?”

“You’re the one talking about human instincts,” he argues. “It’s a human instinct to chase pleasure and mate. And plenty of species aren’t monogamous. Humans are no different.”

I’m flabbergasted. “The primal evolutionary reason humans have sex is to have babies. And human babies don’t tumble out of the womb and start walking around. They need to be cared for. If you have ten babies with ten different women, your kids will never see you.”

He chuckles again. “Believe it or not, I do know how to use a condom.”

The image of Kirill towering over me the way he towered over that guard earlier pops into my head. The only difference is, he’s naked. I’d roll a condom down his length, stroking the hardness that is just for me…

Except it wouldn’t be just for me, would it? Kirill obviously does this kind of thing a lot.

I break out of the flash of sex-starved fantasy with a shake of my head. “All I’m saying is, you should at least try to care about someone before you sleep with them.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says. “But for now, I’ll stick to my method.”

“And what method is that?”

“Doing whatever the fuck I want.” He looks over at me, his eyes running up and down my body once. Just once. A quick up-and-down that sends heat racing through my veins. “Some people just work well together. Other times, they don’t… But even then, it can still be explosive.”
