Page 18 of Ruby Malice

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My mouth feels dry. I swallow to clear my throat, but my voice still comes out raspy. “Why would you want to have sex with someone you don’t work well with?”

He releases a deep hum, verging on a sigh. “Because that can be the best kind of fucking. The kind of sex that borders on hate. Angry and hard. Have you ever had that with someone?”

Rain patters against the windshield, insulating us even further from the outside world. I feel like we’re in a pressure valve. Any second, the raw desire in this car will explode.

The answer is no. I’ve never had that with anyone because there hasn’t been time. I’m always working. Then there was Mom.

Now that she’s gone, though, the world has opened up to me. Maybe I have time for that now. Maybe I could let Kirill help me experience something new.

The offer is at the tip of my tongue.Do it. Show me what you’re talking about.

But Kirill jerks the wheel hard to the left, and I slam against the passenger door with an unladylike grunt.

“We’ve arrived.” He eases down the driveway and pulls up in front of the path that leads around the main house to the guest house.

Now that the car is stopped and his attention is on me, reality crowds in. This isn’t some sexual fantasy, no matter how much Kirill looks like the flesh and blood version of a cartoon prince, complete with the dimple in his chin. I can’t ask a man I just met to have sex. I was being absurd. I’m probably still in shock.

“Okay, then.” I reach for the door handle. “I guess I’m going to—”

Without letting me finish, Kirill grabs something out of his back seat and opens his door. The rain is coming down in sheets now, and he deftly opens an umbrella and walks around to my door. I’m so stunned that I don’t move even after he pulls my door open.

“You really must think chivalry is dead,” he says as he gazes down at me. “Because you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I close my mouth and climb out of the car. Kirill holds his umbrella over my head, letting the rain drench him.

It’s almost too loud to talk, so we don’t. He walks with me to the pool house door, and I open it quickly. It’s a mad dash of keys and knobs and ducking out of the rain. It all happens so fast that he’s inside along with me before I realize what is happening.

“What are you doing?”

“Following you home so I can ravish you,” he says easily.

I can only imagine what my shocked expression looks like from his perspective. But based on the devastating smirk Kirill is wearing, it must be priceless.

“Relax. I just wanted to see how the better half live,” he explains.

“The better—Excuse me?”

He nods. “You know, the morally superior part of society. I wanted to see where you’re living. Maybe study your ways and follow you like a spiritual leader. I could sell my suits and wear polyester catering uniforms and—”

“You’re hilarious.” I offer him a slow clap. “Truly. You should quit your day job and start stand-up. What is your day job, anyway?”

His mouth twists with a secret. “I don’t want to give you even more reasons to think I’m evil.”

For reasons I don’t understand, the hair on the back of my neck prickles. I try to laugh it off. “Does it have something to do with breaking legs?”

“Occasionally. But that’s only a piece of the bigger picture.”

He doesn’t actually move, but it suddenly feels like we’re impossibly close. His hair is damp and curling across his forehead. I want to reach out and brush it away. I want to stroke my fingers down his jaw and run a thumb over the bow of his lip.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I ask quietly.

Now, he does move closer. He lowers his chin. A drop of water rolls down the bridge of his nose. “Only if you ask nicely.”

Please.Every cell in my body cries out for whatever he has to give. Pain. Pleasure. I’ll take it all.

I want him.

Without thought, I stretch onto my toes and arch towards him… just as a shrill ringing shatters through the moment.
