Page 21 of Mortal Demon

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Riley and Colton coalesced in the forest close to the cabin where her father lived. As usual, several clan members stood talking outside. The conversation hushed abruptly as she approached and wary eyes roamed over her. They wouldn’t say anything, but it wasn’t because they trusted her. Irony was a fickle mistress.

She’d wanted her father in her life more than anything and she had gotten that wish. Now, the cougar clan saw him as a blessing. A savior. That didn’t stop them from looking at her like she was a pariah. They were both demon turned, but he was a man of God. She was a pawn the demons would use to bring over the king. To ensure humanity’s destruction. She couldn’t blame them.

When she stood in the cave as Steele blatantly accused her of being a traitor, there was a part of her that wondered if it was true. Was there some way the demons could control her due to her transition? Anaisa had warned there could be side effects and she may not know those true ramifications for weeks. She prayed it was anything but that.

A soft breeze rustled through the trees like a whispering caress. Sometimes it felt like mother nature was trying to comfort her. The open spaces. The wild. These things called to her like never before and she would do anything to ensure that balance was maintained.

Colton ascended the steps to the cabin first then opened the door for her. She entered to find Anaisa sitting on the couch watching Daniel sleep. She had a satchel in her hand and Riley hoped it was the herbs that would help strengthen him.

“Thank you, for coming Anaisa,” Riley said.

Anaisa wore black jeans and a simple leather jacket with her hiking boots. Her long dark hair was tied back with the braid so the colored beads rested against her back. She placed the satchel on the coffee table. “This will help strengthen him so he can feed less often.”

Riley sat down on the couch beside her. “I appreciate your help.”

Anaisa’s eyes remained on Daniel’s sleeping form. He had a blanket over his knees and his hand rested on his leather Bible. The worn red ribbon held his place within the sacred book. “I admit to some surprise that a man of your faith transitioned successfully.”

“Shadows aren’t evil, Anaisa,” Riley said, regretting the outburst instantly.

Anaisa smiled. “I know that, Riley. You forget it was my ancestors that created the first shadows. These shifters gave up their lives. Ultimately their mates to save the world. Our part in that decision haunts us to this day. Learning that the first priestess was manipulated by the demons only makes our actions that much worse. We allowed these shifters to sacrifice themselves. If anyone deserves to be cursed, it is us.”

Riley shook her head. “Do you really think the priestess took a stand against the demon king?”

Anaisa sighed. “No mortal could withstand that kind of power. Once he arrives, this world is as doomed as the hundreds before it.”

“You think it’s been that many?”

“Yes. They had to change their tactics when their females died out, but that simply added another step to their technique.”

The women turned as Steele entered the cabin. “Anaisa, are you ready to perform the tests?”

Anaisa stood. Her diminutive size was more noticeable as she stood up to Steele. “Are you sure you want me to do this? Testing your own people. All but accusing them of being a traitor. This could do more harm than good.”

Steele glanced at Riley. “They will understand my need to protect them. If anyone has a trace of demon blood. A taint within their heart. You will detect it.”

Anaisa nodded. “As you wish.”

Colton stepped up to Anaisa. “I will go first. We will let the clan know that Steele is testing everyone including his chosen son. Then no member will feel that they were singled out or suspected of wrongdoing.”

Steele’s eyes softened. “Thank you.”

Anaisa put her hands on Colton’s forehead. “The demon venom has been purged from your system. There is no taint within you.”

Steele nodded. “Now test Riley.”

Anaisa touched Riley’s forehead. She felt Anaisa’s power move through her. It wasn’t uncomfortable. More like a soothing balm or a hot summer day warming your skin. “Riley is clean.”

Steele stepped forward. “Are you sure?”

Anaisa’s eyes flared. “If it is your intention to look for a traitor, then I will help you. If I’m here to help you convict an innocent woman, then I will be on my way. I will send my report to Dannika as requested by Ferguson.”

Steele shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. It must be someone else.” He glanced at Riley and she wasn’t sure if he meant what he said.

She sucked in a breath. “I was supposed to wait for Ferguson to do the test.”

Anaisa shook her head. “I told him I would take care of it.” She glanced at Steele. “He knows I would never give an inaccurate account. If anyone is tainted, like Colton, it is not their fault. We won’t condemn this traitor; we will help them purge the demon blood.”
