Page 22 of Mortal Demon

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Steele’s eyes widened. “Is it possible this clan member isn’t aware they have been infected?”

“Very possible,” Anaisa said.

“Then they will walk in here without a concern they may fail your test,” Steele said.

Anaisa nodded. “Since I have already tested Colton and Riley, I recommend you arrange to have the rest of your clan visit me.”

Riley nibbled her lip. “I hate to suggest this, but what if someone is helping the demons on purpose? If they’re not infected, will this test work?”

Anaisa glanced at Riley. “She raises an excellent point. I’m looking for demon blood. The reapers that follow the demons are not tainted. They have chosen to embrace the demons’ cause.”

Steele’s hands fisted at his sides. “So there’s no way to find the traitor if they have chosen to work against us.”

They turned as Ferguson entered the cabin. “I trust Riley has been exonerated.”

Riley smiled at Ferguson. “I’m not tainted by demon blood, but we are just discussing a traitor that chooses to join the demons. Breck and his followers would not fail this test.”

Ferguson’s jaw ticked. “You’re right. Though I’m loathed to admit it, a reaper could still be working for Breck.”

Anaisa walked to the fireplace before taking a candle down from the mantel. “I can perform a truth ritual. It won’t last long on a shadow, but I can ask a question or two.”

Steele looked leery. “That wasn’t what I had in mind.”

Colton’s eyes narrowed on his leader. “You had no problem accusing Riley. She will go first and then you and I before we subject the clan to this interrogation.”

Steele held up his hand. “It wasn’t an interrogation.”

Anaisa sat down, placing the candle on the table in front of her. “That is exactly what this is Steele. Make no mistake. If I ask a question, the person I hold will tell the truth.”

Steele shook his head. “How do I know it works?”

Anaisa glanced at Ferguson. “He is the most powerful shadow. If he had chosen to become a king, none of you could have stopped him. If he agrees to sit with me. I will ask a question he would not normally answer.”

Steele glanced at Ferguson. Smoke rolled off the ancient reaper’s shoulders, and it was obvious he didn’t like Anaisa’s suggestion. “If you can compel Ferguson, then I trust you can compel the rest of us. We all know he is far more powerful than he lets on.”

Anaisa took a matchbook from her pocket. She lit the candle before her. “Sit beside me, Ferguson.”

He sat down and she took his hands in hers. “Open your mind and speak the truth. A lie will produce a black flame. I compel thee to answer my question.”

Ferguson flinched as power vibrated in the room. “Speak,” he said through clenched teeth.

Anaisa’s eyes flared. “Do you possess the power to destroy the queen and usurp her position?”

Ferguson’s eyes turned black. Smoke rose from his shoulders as veins popped from his neck. “Yes.”

Anaisa pulled him closer to her. “Would you ever cause harm to the queen or the clans?”

He growled in her face. “I would die before I let anything happen to Dannika or Riley.”

Anaisa released him and turned to Steele. “I compelled him to answer the first question. He volunteered to answer the second. Both were the truth.”

Steel rubbed his chin. “You can guarantee one question?”

Anaisa nodded. “Ferguson’s power is immense. I may be able to get two from an alpha such as yourself. The clan members can be compelled for a longer period. If you wish me to interrogate your clan, I suggest you come up with the question I ask every one of them. I will ask no more than two.”

Steele shook his head. “You will ask one. What you did to Ferguson was wrong, and it’s my fault. No one questions his loyalty to Dannika. And I think we all knew he was powerful enough to lead the reapers to victory if he chose.”

“What question would you have me ask your clan? I will be able to sense demon blood in them when I hold their hand, so they will be subjected to one test only.”
