Page 23 of Mortal Demon

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“Ask them if they are loyal to Dannika and the clan or the demons.”

Anaisa performed the ritual on Steele then Colton and Riley. They passed before they began to test other members.

Riley went to her father’s side when he woke up. “Hey, Dad.”

He motioned to the clan member sitting beside Anaisa. “What is she doing?”

“We have a traitor. Someone was likely infected with demon blood, but she is asking them a question while under a truth spell.”

“Why would anyone betray the clan on purpose?” Daniel asked.

Riley shook her head. “Someone set me up. They are trying to make me look like a traitor. Colton and Ferguson are ensuring I’m not wrongly accused.”

Daniel ran a finger over her cheek. “You are the purest soul I have ever met. How could anyone suspect you?”

Her father’s faith in her was exactly what she needed. Love. Acceptance. She hugged him because she needed to. “What would I do without you?”

He winked at her. “Hopefully you won’t have to find out for a while.”

She pointed at the satchel on the coffee table. “Speaking of that. Anaisa brought you some herbs to help strengthen you. It will help you to feed less often.”

“That was very kind of her,” Daniel said as he watched her finish with a clan member.

Anaisa took several hours to finish with the rest of the clan. When she was finished, she turned to Daniel. “It looks like it’s your turn.”

Daniel was about to push himself from the chair when Anaisa stopped him. “Please don’t get up. I will come to you.” She moved to his chair and knelt in front of him. She took his hands. She asked him the same question she had asked every other clan member.

“I would never betray my daughter or our new family,” Daniel said with a slight smile.

Anaisa squeezed his hands. “I know. I didn’t need to do the test on you. Your faith shines through your eyes like a beacon of light, but I promised to perform it on all members of the clan.”

“I understand priestess. You are as wise as you are beautiful.”

Anaisa stood, winking at Daniel. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were flirting with me,” she teased.

Daniel laughed. “I am too old to flirt, but not too old to tell a young woman she is beautiful.”

Anaisa smiled. “I am older than you think. But not too old not to accept a compliment.”

Riley loved the camaraderie between Anaisa and her father. It was built on mutual respect despite such a difference in culture. She wondered why the clans couldn’t find common ground as easily as Anaisa and Daniel had. “It’s nice to see you smile, Dad.”

“His faith brings him joy. It’s a bond we share.”

“How so?” Riley asked.

“Believing in something. No matter what that is. Family. Love. Faith. Is a powerful emotion. It results in something no demon can alter. Remember that in the days ahead.”

Riley was quiet for some time. “Do you know the future, Anaisa?”

“Not yours, Riley. The shadows walk a path I cannot see, but dark days are ahead.”

Colton read the script that formed before him. “Anaisa, Dannika would like to bring the wolf clan members here so you can test them. She wants to know if you would be comfortable staying at the cabin until we can arrange for everyone to see you?”

Anaisa nodded. “If you don’t mind setting a bed up in a spare room, I am happy to stay with Daniel. I will prepare the herbs for him this evening.”

Ferguson pointed to the hallway. “There is already a bedroom here. The children nap here often after visiting Daniel.”

Ferguson led her to the room as Daniel drifted off to sleep.

Steele looked her over, but there was no warmth in his gaze. “I will make arrangements for the wolf clan.” He left without another word.

Colton touched her arm. “Let’s go home.”

She should feel relief. Secure, now that Anaisa had cleared her of any wrongdoing, but the feeling of dread suffocated her.
