Page 34 of Mortal Demon

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Riley slapped her hand to her chest as she turned in her chair. “Jesus Christ, Ferguson. Give a girl some warning.”

Ferguson arched an eyebrow. “I’m not sure your father would appreciate such language.”

She crossed her arms. “I’m sure you don’t need to tattle on me.”

Ferguson’s lip twitched. “Agreed.” His gaze narrowed on Colton. “What?”

“Stop sneaking up on people.”

“You are an alpha. You should have detected my presence in the pathway,” Ferguson said.

Riley shook her head. “There was no warning. I heard the hum of the pathway a split second before you appeared.”

Ferguson glanced around. “The Bokor had the power to ward his shop. He prevented the shadows from entering. Perhaps he had similar wards here, but they are failing due to his death.”

Riley nodded. “That makes sense. Were you able to track Breck?”

“I trailed him to a location in the hills. I will tell you about that in a minute. What is this place?” he asked.

Riley explained the experiments using her blood. That they were planning on investigating the rest of the facility in a moment. “We had no idea this place existed until we found a reference at the clinic downtown.”

Ferguson nodded. “There is no one alive in this building. I wish to return to the demon’s new hideout. I would like Colton to come with me, so I’m hoping you will stay with your sister while we investigate their new location.”

Riley’s eyes narrowed. “Where is it?”

“An abandoned mine. There are several tunnels and I can’t investigate all of them on my own,” he said.

Colton leaned on the filing cabinet. “Is this a recon mission, or are you looking to engage the enemy?”

“There are too many demons to engage. If we are spotted, we will have to leave immediately,” Ferguson said.

Riley crossed her arms. “Then why can’t I go with you? If we leave the moment we are spotted, Colton can direct me in the pathway. He’s just as fast with me as he is on his own.”

Ferguson’s jaw ticked. “There is no reason to take such a risk with your safety. You will stay with Dannika and Raine while your mate and I investigate the mine.”

Riley stood up, staring up at Ferguson. “I hope you are not trying to order me around. You are not my father. And while I respect you and your skills, I am not going to be protected like a princess in a tower. I’m not that kind of woman.”

His eyes flickered with black smoke. “There is no need for you to risk yourself. We have hundreds of shadows. We have two women. Our lives are not as important as...”

Riley hissed. “Do not finish that sentence. Colton’s life. Your life. All life is important. No person is more valuable than another.”

“I disagree,” Ferguson said.

Riley shrugged. “You are entitled to your opinion, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m going with you.”

Ferguson growled. “No.”

Riley had to admit that the ancient reaper was intimidating with the black smoke and onyx eyes, but she knew there was no circumstance in which he harmed her. He could get mad. Yell. Make the average shadow run for cover, and all he did was make her feel safer. Cared for. Her tone dropped to that of a whisper. “Why do you care about Dannika and me so much? It isn’t because we are women.”

Ferguson turned to Colton. “Are you going to allow her to come?”

Colton sighed. “When you have a mate, Ferguson, you will understand that as much as you wish to, you can’t lock her away from the world. Since this is a recon mission. We will flee if we are spotted. She will not leave my side.”

Ferguson’s eyes flashed red. “You are worse than Raine. If mating robs you of your common sense, then I will avoid it at all costs.”

Colton huffed. “There is no avoiding fate. Give me the location. She is coming with me.”

Ferguson’s hands moved in the air and a map made of shadow script formed before Colton. “You go here. I will investigate the tunnels on the other side and meet you there in a few minutes.” He dissolved before Colton could respond.
