Page 35 of Mortal Demon

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Riley put her hand on Colton’s arm. “Thank you for standing up to him. I know that wasn’t easy.”

Colton’s gaze met hers. “He isn’t wrong, and I will regret this decision when he gets me in the training ring next.”

Riley winked. “I will be there to cheer you on. Maybe I can distract him.”

Colton chuckled. “I bet you could.” He pointed to the disappearing map. “Did you know he could do that?”

Riley frowned. “What?”

“He created a map in shadow script.”

“You can’t do that?” she asked.

“Riley. He saw this location minutes ago and recreated the map. Shadow script is written. I don’t have to memorize a location and recreate it in my mind. That is a skill of a cartographer.”

“He is a cartographer? Like Darren?”

“I’m not sure. His map was far less detailed than Darren’s, but there are no reports of him using this skill. If he was never trained, then I’m guessing he taught himself the only way he could. Using shadow script.”

“There were no reaper cartographers?”

“It is a rare shadow skill. A cartographer is protected and watched. To my knowledge, one never turned reaper. They are held in high esteem within the clan.”

Riley sighed. “The men that turned reaper had average skills. Did they feel like they were less than their brethren?”

“Most had common skills, but Maddock and a few like him had rare skills and were powerful. Humans and shadows are no different in this regard. Some are never happy despite the rewards they are given. They seek more power despite already having the lion’s share.”

“Sad, but true.”

He pulled her against his body. “Are you ready to check out the mine? Ferguson was right. Other than the experiments going on longer than we expected, there isn’t any new information here.”

She nodded. “Let’s go.”
