Page 48 of Mortal Demon

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“A stable ecosystem requires a static number of predators and prey. The vorla will feed on the animal population. The jackals on the vorla and the soldiers will feed on the humans. I will maintain an acceptable balance to ensure our growth doesn’t exceed sustainable limits.”

Riley couldn’t decide which was worse. The emotionless way Deruthel described his grotesque monarchy or the fact that she had to admit it would work. The demon general would turn the human world into a farm. One that was strictly regulated and optimized for maximum output of resources. “That sounds horrible.”

“It will be for you. Of course you will be busy caring for our young.”

She put her hand over her mouth. “I feel nauseous.” While her stomach churned, it was nothing compared to the gut-wrenching pain when two jackals dragged Colton into the room.

His face was barely recognizable. He was beaten so badly that the swelling had one eye completely shut. Bruises marred every inch of exposed skin. His shirt had disintegrated from his body and bruises were nothing compared to the claw marks and deep gouges that marred his flesh. She was pretty sure he was unconscious as his head lolled on his neck and his boots left marks in the dirt as he was pulled between the men.

“What did you do to him?”

“He killed five of my men before he was confined. Ashkara was not available to control him, so I was forced to subdue him.”

“The king is not always here, then?” she asked.

“No, he will be with us soon. I suggest you keep our conversation between us. I will block that section of my memory from him. If you betray me, I will kill Colton while you watch.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want the king here any more than you do. While I understand there will be a war between our species, I will take my chances with you. I don’t know how that mind block thing works, but make sure you don’t screw up.”

Deruthel nodded. “I have been hiding a portion of my mind for centuries. I will not allow my father access now.” He turned as Colton’s head rose. “My father is accessing his mind.”

“How do you know?”

“Colton is unconscious. It makes it easier for my father to control his body.”

The jackals released Colton as he got to his feet. While his eyes glowed a brilliant red, brighter than when he had dosed her with chloroform, it was the aura of power that surrounded him that made her press against the wall.

There was no escape. Ashkara’s power rolled off Colton’s body in rippling waves. All traces of his earlier subterfuge were gone. He stared at her with open lust. A hunger that defied description.

“Riley, I have longed for this moment.” His voice echoed as if he were in a tomb. The tone was similar to Colton’s but with the malevolent undertone of another.

“Can’t say I feel the same. Release Colton. His power is nothing compared to yours.”

Ashkara cracked Colton’s neck to one side. “That is true. It is uncomfortable to confine myself in such a tiny and unevolved vessel, but the shadow has served his purpose.”

“Then leave him alone.”

The king chuckled. At least she assumed that’s what he was doing. The grating sound scorched her ears like nails on a chalkboard. She was pretty sure a few more seconds of Ashkara’s laughter would result in permanent hearing loss. “I have many tasks to complete before my departure. I will release your chosen mate, but only so you can see I have broken him.”

“Why do this to him? We are simply resources to you.”

Colton put his hands behind his back, making him appear like a black and blue prince. “That is true. Most of the individuals in your realm are of little consequence, but you and your sister are the exceptions. I had to break him, so I can break you. I need you and your twin alive.”

“For breeders,” she hissed.

“That and a stable portal. My current incarnation is larger than you are used to, but I will keep this body for breeding purposes.”

Riley had no desire to know what that meant. “Whatever. I would rather die than help you.”

Colton’s eyes flickered with red. “I’m sure that is true. You will not have a choice, however.” He glanced at Deruthel. “Get her ready. I have other matters to attend to.”

Deruthel nodded. “As you wish, my king.”

Colton dropped to the floor as if he had been knocked unconscious. Riley rushed to his side.

“Is he okay?”

Deruthel nodded. “He is still unconscious. Ashkara has returned to his current realm.”

She put her hand over Colton’s bruised chest. “How do you stabilize the portal? More importantly, how do you close it permanently?”
