Page 49 of Mortal Demon

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Riley put her fingers to Colton’s neck. She felt the strong beat of his heart, yet his wounds were slow to heal. She glanced up at the demon general when he didn’t answer. “You have been forthcoming about your entire operation. Why hold back now?”

Deruthel’s eyes roamed over Colton. He looked lost in thought. She realized he wasn’t holding back. Deruthel never made a move without a strategy in place, and everything he had told her served a purpose. “There is only one way to create a portal stable enough to ensure Ashkara’s transition to this world. His hesitancy to do so is due to you.”

“Me? Why?

“A mate bond is much more powerful than we anticipated. We need both yours and Colton’s blood to stabilize the portal. Due to Ashkara’s size, it is unclear whether we would need to kill you. Both he and I are hesitant to do this as Dannika’s blood has proved unstable thus far and recent tests would not even spark the portal, let alone open it.”

She sucked in a breath. “There is something wrong with Dannika. She is sick, isn’t she?”

“That has been our assumption as well, but we are unaware of any disease that afflicts the shadows.”

“Colton didn’t know either.”

“I am aware. This uncertainty is the sole reason Ashkara remains in his current realm. Killing you would be disastrous if we can’t create stable breeders first. My father is powerless without his subjects. Without a stable breeding force, our species will follow yours into extinction.”

“You want to save your species. That is understandable, but you were on the road to extinction when your females died. It was only a matter of time before you lacked the ability to convert the female inhabitants.”

Deruthel turned away from her. “I can no longer count the number of times I had this discussion with my father. I wished to set limitations on the three previous worlds. To ensure the resources lasted longer, but he would not listen. He feeds on his soldier demons while they pray for my victory. I will have their confidence when this war is over. If I don’t stop my father. Our species is lost.”

Colton groaned, bringing her attention back to him. His swollen eye was red and bleeding, but she could see evidence it was healing. A few patches of skin had returned to his natural tanned color, though most remained various shades of dark blue.

She pursed her lips. “If mine and Colton’s blood can stabilize the portal, then can we also close it?”

“It isn’t just your blood. To create a portal of that size required a betrayal of blood. The portal was created with dark magic. That same power feeds it. He has always held the power, but none of you saw it.”

“What are you talking about?”

Deruthel pointed to Colton’s body. “It’s him. It’s always been him. He represents everything. Your love. Your mate. Your future. And ultimately, your nemesis.”

“No, he will never be that. Even if Ashkara controls him while he kills me. It will never be Colton.”

“He would have to make the sacrifice willingly,” Deruthel said.

Her skin chilled as if ice ran through her veins. “What sacrifice?”

Deruthel’s lip quivered in anticipation. “He will tell you. He already knows the truth.”

She cradled Colton’s head in her hands as his eyes fluttered open and he groaned. His eyes traced the room, and she could see the confusion. His eyes met hers as the realization hit him. She could almost see the events play back in his mind. The sound that escaped his mouth was that of a wounded animal. He wasn’t mad or angry. He was destroyed.

“I killed Oliver,” he whispered.

“It wasn’t you. It was Ashkara. He was controlling you,” she said.

“I should have been able to stop it. I receded to the background and watched him use my own blade to sever Oliver’s head. You didn’t see his face. The betrayal. The shock. He assumed I had traces of demon venom left in my system, and he wanted to speak privately. He didn’t want to cause me any embarrassment. His loyalty cost him his life.”

She caressed his cheek. “I know, but we have a chance to trap Ashkara in his current realm. Tell me how to close the portal permanently. Deruthel says you know a way,” she said.

He squeezed his eyes shut. “I was forced to watch while the king... handled you. He wanted to be in my body when I was with you, but he was forced to leave.”

Deruthel stepped forward. “What called him away?”

Colton shook his head. “He seemed weak. I don’t know why. He returned when I was asleep. I didn’t realize what was happening until after I woke here.”

Deruthel began to pace the small room. “I have often wondered what happens to the king when he is left with only the females and the pawns.”

“Pawns?” Riley asked.
