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Her:Ooh… really?

Me:Admission? I did last night, after you left. I couldn’t help myself.

Her:Mmm. You should have done it while I was there. I’d love to watch.

Me:That turns you on?

Her:Big time. Big being the operative word…

Me:Thank you for that vote of confidence!

Her:I felt you when you pushed me up against the wall. You are not a small man.

Me:You definitely know how to say all the right things.

Her:Do you promise to take it slowly? You know, on our first time.

Me:I promise. The trick is to make sure there’s no friction.

Her:How do you do that?

Me:With LOTS of foreplay.

Her:Mm. *fans self*

I chuckle. I think the sexting is backfiring on her.

I enjoy talking dirty, but you have to know your audience. Sex can be so complicated. Even if a woman enjoys the act, it doesn’t mean she’s comfortable going from zero to a hundred on the first date. In my experience, most women have a praise kink and enjoy compliments about their body and appreciation of what they’re doing, but not all of them like cruder language and some actually find it a turn off. Which is fine—whatever floats your boat. Part of the fun is exploring each other and discovering how far you can push it.

Sidnie obviously understands all this, because she writes about exactly that—to find out what your partner likes before you jump in the deep end. But I’ve looked through her videos. She certainly doesn’t hold back in the advanced section. Some of the things she posted actually made my eyebrows rise.

I’m not stupid—I know that what a woman fantasizes about doesn’t necessarily equate to what she wants in real life. I’m sure many people daydream about threesomes, for example, but would be horrified if their partner suggested bringing someone else into the bedroom. I’m still not going straight to eleven on the dial. But even though we’re starting off gently, I’m excited at the thought of being able to explore the deep end with her.

I feel a mischievous urge to ramp things up. Normally I’m not the type of guy to brag about my family jewels, but in this case I think it’s warranted.

Me:You’re right, I’m not small. I’ll have to ease in, very slowly.

Her:Oh wow.

Me:A half inch at a time. It won’t be easy.

Her:Holy fuck.

Me:You’ll have to relax. Let me slowly sink into you.


Me:Do you think you can take it all?

Her:I need to lie down. I feel dizzy.

Me:Hehe. Regretting starting this?

Her:No! God no. It’s just… I mean what I said. Most of what I write is from my imagination. I haven’t had a huge amount of experience. Especially in the bedroom.

My lips curve up.

Me:I see.You need to be initiated?I add a devil’s head emoji with a chuckle.
