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Her:Yes! I’d better go and prepare myself :-)

Me:That sounds intriguing.

Her:Like a turkey. LOL.

Me:That’s less intriguing.

Her:It will be if I start talking about stuffing.

Me:Ha! Is that a premonition?

Her:Oh I think we both know how this is going to end. See you later, gorgeous x

I smile, stretch, and yawn, enjoying the warm sunshine. I feel surprisingly great despite last night; I think the run this morning did me good. I check the time—I have just over an hour to go before Jamie takes me home.

I could get back to work. But I can hear music and laughter from the office, and for once, I feel like being with people. This is my staff—those who’ve worked hard all year for me, and who deserve to feel appreciated by their boss.

Taking my glass with me, I head out of the office to join in the fun.


At just before seven, Jamie pulls up outside Sidnie’s house. I’ve been home, taken Gus for a run, showered, shaved, and changed. I’ve chosen black trousers and a casual dark- and light-blue paisley shirt. It’s too hot for a jacket. Now I feel restless and buzzy, excited to see her.

“Go get the girl,” Jamie says.

I grin, get out of the car, go up to Sidnie’s front door, and ring the bell.

Through the net curtains, I glimpse a scurry of movement. Then the door opens to reveal Sidnie, looking flushed and bright-eyed. She’s wearing black wide-leg pants and a pretty white vest with sequins and silver spaghetti straps. Her hair is down, sparkling in places with tiny clips.

“Hey,” she says. “Come in. I just need to get my purse.”

“No rush.” I follow her in.

Her room mates are both by the window, and they jump back as I enter.

“Don’t mind them,” she says, walking through the kitchen where her purse rests on the counter. “They’re just being nosey.”

“Fair enough,” I say cheerfully.

“They want to make sure I’m safe,” she says, coming back into the living room.

“We’re worried it’s like she’s stepping into the lion’s cage at the zoo,” Hana says, making Caro gasp and nudge her in the ribs.

I shrug. “Sometimes a girl wants to get eaten.” I hold my hand out to Sidnie.

“Oh-ho,” she says, sliding her hand into mine. “Was that the right thing to say.”

The girls giggle, and one whispers something to the other that makes her grin as I lead Sidnie outside. “Night,” she calls to her friends before she closes the door and follows me to the car.

“You’re a naughty boy,” she scolds, sending me an amused glance as I open the back passenger door for her.

“I do my best.” I close it, then go around to the other side and get in next to her.

“Hey, Jamie,” she says.

“Evening, Sidnie.” He smiles at her in the mirror, then eases the car out into the traffic.

“Are your two friends a couple?” I ask her.
