Page 67 of Hopelessly Wild

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Samuel smiles. “I’m fine, thanks to you. I’m more concerned about you and your exhaustion. Do you want me to carry you to our hut? You can sleep in the hammock all day.”

“Why would I do that? I’m fine.”

“Last night was difficult. I understand—”

“I know what to expect now. I’m seriously fine. Though I’m surprised we slept here.”

“You don’t remember passing out?”

“I passed out,” she gasps. “Did I fall?”

Samuel asks Kaikare to tell him what happened step by step. He translates the night to Eden, what happened in his visions and the moments after she passed out.

“I remember seeing the eyes in the forest and…” She clutches her throat.

“Do you need more to drink?”

“No. I mean, yes, but I remembered something, and it spooked me a little.”

“About your spirit?”

“No. I have no recollection of myself in another form.” Her brow pinches, and there’s a hint of doubt in her words. “Kaikare said you were an owl and a macaw.”

Samuel stares up at Kaikare. He asks her what happened for her to tell Eden his sacred birth name. Kaikare explains his spirit was scaring her, and she sensed your energy leaving your body. Eden was afraid of losing Samuel, and Kaikare reassured her his spirits were watching over him.

“Wakü Turùpo,” he says to Kaikare.Good heart. He touches Eden’s cheek. “It’s time we talked about something I have kept from you.” He takes her hand and assists her to stand. “First, you need to eat, and then my day is yours.”

* * *

“I’m tired.” Eden cradles her head on Samuel’s shoulder as they sit on a boulder near the stream. “I think I’ll take that nap later.”

“And you didn’t eat enough. I’ll gather more berries for you.”

“It’s weird as I’m always hungry, but lately, I’ve lost my appetite. I’m sure after a nap, I’ll be fine. You should also rest. Even the shaman slept until late morning.”

Samuel stares into the forest while he decides what to tell Eden. “The shaman’s visions are complex and multidimensional. He travels to the future and the past while the forest delivers a message.”

“Did he receive answers last night?”

“I haven’t had a chance to speak with him. It can wait until tomorrow.”

Eden kisses his cheek. “I told you I’m having a nap. You don’t need to stay with me while I’m sleeping. Go and speak with the shaman.”

“He’ll summon me.”

“Of course, he will,” she snaps.

Samuel chuckles and scoops her up in his arms and wades with her into the water.

“Wait! My skirt and beads,” she exclaims.

“Will dry quickly.” Samuel chuckles. He drops onto his knees with Eden in his arms until the water comes to their necks.

“It’s freezing,” she shouts.

“Refreshing,” he corrects. With wet fingers, he wipes the dirt from her face and then from his own.

“You know…” she swipes her tongue over her teeth, “… I could do with a good toothpaste and a new toothbrush. The plants and my worn brush ain’t cutting it at the moment.”

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