Page 101 of Who We Love

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As he takes a seat, he kisses a woman who wears a red cap and claps the moment Tucker runs into the center of the field. I can’t help but shed some tears. They’re happy tears, as I witness how much the couple loves my son. That’s all I wanted for him, a family who’d give him what I couldn’t back then. What I didn’t know I’d be capable of giving him.

Matt takes my hand, and Coop holds it too. Someday maybe Tucker will be part of us, but in the meantime, I have to focus on the now and our growing family. Focus on little Jelly Belly. It’s time to place a bookmark on this chapter.


This is the first and last time I buy furniture sold inside a box. At least I hope it’s the last time because my wife loves to buy and assemble shit, and who am I to contradict her? During these few months of marriage, I’ve learned a few things:

My wife is always right.

My husband is always unpredictable.

Both are wonderful to live with and loving, but the fear of getting caught spying on our firstborn child… I should’ve said no when they decided to go and meet Tucker. Not that we met him, we saw him from afar during a baseball game.

There’s always some nonsense happening around Matt. He gets some crazy idea and suddenly we jump on a plane that takes us to a remote island for an impromptu vacation. It is hard to handle for a man who likes structure and order. Of course, I wouldn’t know where I’d be without them.

They’re my everything.

“I’m gone for two days and look what you’ve done.” I stop assembling the rocking chair and turn to the door where I find Matt. He’s back.

“Arthur has been helping too. We built the crib and hung all the art Thea made or ordered. Including Piper’s name.”

Standing up, I take a look at our daughter’s room. The combination of pinks and grays and the owl décor is perfect. We did well. We have fourteen weeks to go, but we’re ready for our baby—as ready as three newbie parents can be.

I wasn’t sure we’d get to this point, but after Thea saw Tucker and how happy he is, she was able to move into the nesting stage. She finally opened the envelope her doctor gave us after the ultrasound revealing the gender of our baby—she’s a beautiful girl—and we started searching for the perfect name.

Piper Christine.

We’ve been shopping for furniture, clothing, and painting the nursery. I finished the last details while Matt was away because Thea and I became restless from missing him too much.

I move my gaze back to him again.


He was gone for one too many days.

Sounds ridiculous because it’s only been two days, but his absence felt like years. It’s the first time since we’ve been married that one of us had to travel—or couldn’t avoid traveling without the other two. His blue eyes don’t crinkle as usual.

“You look tired, babe.” I walk forward to meet him, giving him a peck on the lips while I continue inspecting him. “What happened?”

“This is the last time I travel without you two. I couldn’t sleep without our Butterfly and without you. Worst fucking nights of my life,” he confesses. “It wasn’t the sex, which I missed. It was that I didn’t have her between us, unable to touch you while we’re asleep. Or having Piper kicking a few times before I fell asleep.”

“Did you fix the issue?”

He nods, bending his head and fitting his mouth over mine.

Matt pushes me against the wall, but his mouth moves gently over mine. Our tongues move slowly against each other, his hands slide inside my shirt, and my dick is ready for whatever he has in mind. But he stops, brushing my lips one last time.

“Where is Thea?”

“With her brother and Ainsley,” I answer, gasping for some air. “Choosing colors for Seth’s nursery. I can’t believe the three of you are having children almost at the same time.”

Pria is pregnant with twins—boys—Jude and Gabe. Ainse is having her second child, also a boy. Fortunately, Piper has Grace. I bet they’re all going to be just like brothers and sisters.

“Can we call her?” Matt asks.

I frown. “Why?”

“I’d love to make love to you, but I need you both.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Keep my mind busy while she comes home. How are our girls doing?”
