Page 81 of Who We Love

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I look at my wrist, which doesn’t have a number anymore. I lost Tristan and Matt, but I guess I have Dad and Mason. Things are looking up. If only I can recover my heart.

Will it ever be whole again?



“Areyou sure you want those buildings?” I ask Matt, who just hung up with his lawyer.

“Wouldn’t you? It’s a historic building in front of Central Park. The brownstones can be converted into apartments—or we can just keep them that way. Think about the children,” he answers, pulling out his phone.

“What children?”

“Our kids, of course.”

I run a hand through my hair. “Matt.”

He finally lifts his gaze and smiles. “Listen. I don’t know if we’ll use them or sell them later. You said it earlier. They’re a good investment. You can’t buy them because your cash is—”

“Matthew, I appreciate what you’re doing for my family. You don’t need to do it, though.”

He rises from his seat, walks to where I stand, and takes me into his arms. “But see, this is exactly what I want to do, take care of you. If I have to say it for the next hundred years, I will. I’ll remind you that I love you, and you’re not alone. That we have to lean on each other.”

I’ve never needed anyone to lean on, but having Matt here feels right. Not once have I ever complained about being alone or having to face hardships by myself. Though, I can see how it’s better to have someone with me. We’ve done in a couple of days all the work I thought I had to do for the next month. Matt even helped me with my father since his night nurse didn’t show up last night.

Dad isn’t thrilled that I have a man in the house—sleeping with me. Not that we’ve had sex. We just share a bed and talk. We’ve talked about my fears, his dreams, and our hopes. Our relationship needs a lot of work, more than just buying a few properties, helping me find the right lot for Cooperson Corporations, and letting me finance the movie for his sci-fi series.

We haven’t spoken about Thea. Right now, it’s about our relationship. I had no idea they were on a break. It didn’t make sense until he explained to me that he’s been distant. And maybe, maybe this is what we needed. Something to show us that we didn’t have as solid a foundation as we presumed.

I’m not disregarding the love I have for them, but what we had before was weak. It was a relationship based on a bar where he hung out every night. After the Silver Moon crumbled, we found different ways to be around each other. It was like an extended vacation where each of us did our thing.

Thea knows more about Matt’s business because she helps him. It’s yet another source of income. He wasn’t sharing it to make her a part of his life. We claimed to be together, but neither one of us was all the way into the relationship.

“What’s next? Do I get to kick your mother out of my house in the Hamptons?”

I laugh and shake my head. “No. We’ll have the realtor do it. Are you ready to drive to my parents’ house? We have to be in Boston in a few hours.”

He checks his watch. “We should fly. I think Mason and Ainsley will be there soon.”

“I still don’t understand why they’re joining us.”

“As I mentioned, Bradley needs a few houses in some key cities for his business.”

Mason Bradley owns a security company. As far as I know, he just provides bodyguards and security systems. I don’t see why he needs the units, but I don’t plan on asking. He might shoot me before I finish the question.

When we arrive at my parents’ place, my mother is there, about to fire the nurse.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask.

“If we can’t afford to keep the Hamptons, we can’t afford the help either,” she snaps at me. “I told you not once, but several times to come home, use your money to save the company, and marry Victoria. Instead, you sold everything.”

“You should send him to a facility,” Matt suggests. “She’s going to abuse him, just as they did with you.”

I didn’t think about that, but I can see how my mother will just leave Dad unattended for long periods of time. She left him for months after he suffered a heart attack.

“Why is this man here?” Mom glares at Matt.

“Because I need help and support. That’s what you do for the people you love. I know it’s a foreign concept, but maybe you could try it with your husband.”
