Page 63 of Who We Are

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“There are no lovers to be quarreling over here. And you”—Tristan points at Thea, releasing a caveman growl—“you should be the one heading to the back room for a break. The customers are getting grabby, and I can’t have that.”

“Grabby?” She quirks her perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Yes, and I swear if they touch you, I might not be able to contain myself.”

“He has a thing for you,” I tell her. That grants me one of her famous eye rolls that I’m starting to love. “He might be castrating a dude or two if they come near you.”

“If they touch me, I’ll be the one busting their male parts, not you.”

Thea grabs the soda gun and points it at him. “I’m capable of fighting my own battles. So, get to work,” she says. “And by the way, keep that caveman shit hidden, or I’ll find the butcher knife and take care of your junk.”

I flinch at her last words. We both mock salute her and go back to serving, taking orders, and generally doing our best to keep the male patrons away from her without evoking Thea’s anger.

For a couple of hours, I pour drafts and close the open tabs. Those are the tasks Thea has delegated to me. And I’m not gonna lie. Her bossy, in-charge attitude is super hot. Her being in charge in bed a few times would be a huge turn on. My thought is interrupted when I spot Tristan gaping at Thea. He studies her every move and admires each line of her body appreciatively.

I search within my heart and mind to figure out how I feel about what I’m seeing unfold before me. Dissecting the fact that my former lover is obviously attracted to the womanI’minterested in. Much to my own surprise, it’s not jealousy I’m feeling. I’m actually intrigued by his obvious attraction. I wonder how Thea would respond to him.

“Wake up, Decker.” A squirt of ice water hits my face. Thea redirects the soda gun at Tristan, who is laughing at me.

The smirk flattens when his shirt is dripping. “You too, Tristan,” she says triumphantly. “What’s the matter with both of you? The last call was ten minutes ago. There’re still tabs to close.” She sprays both of us again, grins, and heads to the second cash register.

“We’ll see who’s the last one laughing, Butterfly,” I warn her. Instead of worrying, she releases a loud laugh that makes my entire body vibrate.

I look over to find Tristan gazing at me, his hands on his hips. “You’re the one who has a thing for her, don’t you?” Tristan whispers, but it’s a sad tone that hits my chest.

The last thing I’d want is to break his heart, but what am I supposed to do?



“Why the somber face, Cooperson?”Matthew questions. I avoid his gaze.

I let out a big breath to ease the constriction inside my chest while trying to calm my heart. The sensations running through my veins weaken my determination to stay away from both.

Anger. Pain. Fear.

“Because we both like her. Thea. We’re bewitched by her.”

There’s an energy flowing between us. Fuck, I can’t deny that I’m attracted to both of them. But with her… for some fucking reason, I want to protect her. Place her inside a crystal shrine and worship her forever.

It’s illogical to have such a strong pull, yet it’s similar to the one I experience with Matthew. I barely know her, but my primal need is begging for me to take her. Claim her.

Except, I can’t. Matthew likes her and…

“Are you on a break?” Reed asks. “Close the bar. The rest of us will close the main area.”

I nod, ordering myself to shake Matthew and Thea out of my head and ignore what she’s doing to my heart. Her smile is like a drug. Those eyes hypnotize the shit out of me and make me want to kiss the floor she walks on.

But I shouldn’t.

It’s apparent that Matt really likes her and he’s trying to be a different man for her. I should step aside since Matt’s my friend. The closest one I’ve had in a long time. One of the solutions I can come up with is to suggest to Reed that he hire a new bartender and a waitress, and that way I can stay away from here.

Seeing that Thea and Matt make sense, I begin to play with the steps I should take to move on from this childish crush.

“You okay, boy?” Reed nudges me. I nod. “I’ve been talking to you, and you haven’t been listening.”

“Sorry, I have too much going on. Tell me, Reed, how long do you think it will take to hire new staff?” I straighten my posture. “Thea needs to have days off—you too. I prefer to oversee my businesses in California. When you sell the place, I might send one of my managers.”
