Page 64 of Who We Are

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As I say the last words, Matthew’s penetrating stare makes me turn my gaze to him. His nostrils flare, but he says nothing.What’s his problem?

“I already placed an ad to run tomorrow,” he says. “Shouldn’t be hard to fill. If you stick around for a couple of days, we can interview the candidates together since this place might be yours soon.”

Working is the best way to keep my mind off beautiful women. The more I want to avoid the thoughts, the faster I work. It doesn’t take long before I make my way to the employee room to wait for the rest to finish. Matthew follows. He leans against the table, arms crossed, and eyes scrutinizing me.

“Why are you running away?” I ignore him and take a seat. “We agreed to stick around while he makes a decision. Suddenly you have the urge to escape, and don’t deny it, Cooperson. I was there. You began to think shit and boom.” He snaps his fingers. “The cold asshole is back.”

Cold? Try pathetic.I lower my head, making sure he doesn’t read me, but my shoulders sag.

Matthew lifts my chin with his index finger. His thumb caresses my jaw. “Thea doesn’t have many friends, Tristan.” He lowers his voice. “She likes you, so don’t push her away.”

Scratching the nape of my neck, I move away from his hold. It’s not that I want to push her away. I want to hold on tight to her. More often than not, I find myself distracted by her. But could my best friend be in love with her?

No one is strong enough to remain friends while having such powerful attraction, at least not me.

“Think about what’s happening. We’re forging a strong friendship. You can let that happen, have another friend. It’s easy. Don’t leave, Tristan. Things are about to get interesting.” His arms reach for me.

He pulls me to him, wrapping me tightly against his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder. I’ve missed this so much, being between his arms, but this feels incomplete. Not wrong but incomplete.

“I’m great at this matchmaking gig.” Thea’s sweet voice makes me push Matthew away. “No. Don’t stop on my account. Have you two ever thought about… being a couple?”

We both shake our heads. There’s a world of difference between fucking and being a couple. We fucked. That never meant we’d become a couple—did it? He doesn’t like relationships. I have my own issues. Should I explain that to her or let her live under the illusion?

“Focus your energy on Tristan, Matt,” she suggests. “He’s hot, has a stable career, and can mix your favorite drinks.”

I gawk at her. “Can we not discuss this in public?” I meet Matthew’s eyes, begging him to stop her.

“Have it your way,” Thea responds. “I’m persistent. I won’t give up until the two of you realize that you’re a match made in heaven. In the meantime, lose your almighty male attitude. Another night growling at any man that talks to me, and I’m… not sure what I’ll do, but it won’t be pretty.”

“Hey, pretty butterfly,” Matt interrupts her rant. “Let’s take you home. It’s late.”

“Nah, tonight you can’t come up. I have to work.”

“Is it because of what we talked about earlier?”

“No. I really have to work, but focus on him, Decker,” Thea says, pointing at me. She marches toward the hallway, opening the door, and leaving without saying goodbye. One of the bouncers follows behind her, blocking her figure from my sight.

And I hate that she didn’t say goodbye. “Do you think she’ll ever have a day job?”

Might as well try to find her a job where she doesn’t have to be on her feet all night… Maybe I shouldn’t. The woman might castrate me if I interfere. She’s feisty.

“She’s going to start working with Chris.” He walks toward the bar and stops. “Reed, we’re leaving. See you tomorrow night.”

Matthew doesn’t wait for a response. Instead, he makes his way to the exit, and I follow.

“What is she going to do?”

“For now, the receptionist. In the future, one of his therapists.”

“She’s a therapist?”

“Yep. She’s a doctor. Thea has a PhD in mental health.” My jaw bounces several times.

My eyes travel toward her illuminated window, and the impulse to ring the doorbell and find out what else she’s hiding hits me.

“Hot, sweet, smart, beautiful, and closed up to the world. I know how to choose them, don’t I?” He winks at me.

“You talking about me?”
