Page 65 of Who We Are

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“No. You’re not sweet or beautiful.” He places an arm on my chest, stopping me, then eyes me from head to toe. “The rest does fit your description. If it wasn’t because I’m trying to change my ways for her, I’d beg you to let me fuck you tonight.”

“What is it about her?”

“So much. She pulls me in closer to her without even knowing that she managed to tie my heart with a wire string,” he explains.

I open the passenger door of his truck, taking a deep breath of the humid night before leaving Thea behind and trying to cut a wire that caught my heart, which is similar to the one he talks about. The one she bonded to my own heart.

“You know what’s weird, Tristan? I want that connection to become stronger, permanent. That’s crazy shit.”

Fuck, how is it possible that she snuck into my life and that I let her enter so easily?

I have to cut ties—maybe with both of them.


“Hey, isn’t it a little early? I wasn’t expecting you.” Thea opens her apartment door. “Do you need me to let you into the bar or something?”

“You suggested we spend the day together. Or did you forget?” I check my watch. Eight in the morning. “So, here I am to hang out with you, and there are a few things I’d like us to talk about.”

Her head moves from left to right, those mystical eyes never leaving mine. Finally, she sighs and says, “You want to come inside? I just finished doing yoga and I’m not ready to lose my cool.”

I don’t understand what she means, but I walk inside her place as soon as she moves away from the door. The tight flowery pants that cover her long legs weaken my knees. Fuck, I’m helpless against her. She’s about to sweep me into that sweet, wonderful world of hers where I’ll lose myself if I don’t watch out.

“Sorry about my mess, but yesterday I had to finish a big order, and my eyes gave up before I could clean.” The table is filled with colorful crap, and her sofa has several packages ready to ship. Thea moves a couple of them and pats the couch. “Do you want coffee or tea?”

“Coffee, if you don’t mind.”

She moves toward her kitchenette. “Talk. I’ll listen while I get this ready.”

“I heard you’re a doctor.”

She stops pouring from the coffee pot and frowns at me. “Not the MD kind. I don’t prescribe medicines.”

“You have a doctorate,” I say. She nods. “Why do you work at a bar?”

“Reed offered me the job when I tried to rent this apartment, and I am a fast learner.” She shrugs. “It pays the bills. Black?” She lifts the mug, and I nod. “Why exactly are you here, Tristan?”

Because I can’t stay away from you?

“To learn who Thea is. Tell me more about you. I think it’s fair, as you know a lot about me.”

“More about me?” She bites the insides of her cheeks. “There’s not much to know about me. I’m a jewelry maker, bartender, and counselor in the making.” Thea points at the coffee. “Drink that. I have to leave in a few to take my packages to the post office.”

“It’s Sunday.”

“They’ve automated postage machines.” She grins. “Technology is a sweet friend of mine.”

“I’m not letting you go that easily. We can do this together. I’ll stay all day until I’m satisfied that I know enough of who Thea Dennis is.”

“Suit yourself. Thea Dennis is boring.” She blinks twice, twisting her lips. In seconds, a smile appears, but it doesn’t illuminate her eyes. My gut tells me she’s hiding something.

I kiss her cheek. “That’s for me to decide,” I say, accepting the challenge to uncover whoever is under that dome.



“Yo, Decker.”
