Page 77 of Who We Are

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As my breathing gets under control, I hear his voice. “Remember, I can’t handle being with a man. Also, I wouldn’t come between the two of you. I would never try to take you away from him.”

He’s frightened.He wants me to be with Matt?

“This is stupid.” I finally gather my wits. “We’re friends. I care for you, and as long as we stay out of those crazy ideas Matthew likes to have, we can survive. The three of us together—as friends.”



My phone ringsaround three in the morning, and when I see the caller, every instinct in me screams to ignore it. I’m already restless, talking to Matt will increase my anxiety. This… I don’t even know what to call the situation between him, Thea, and me. Whatever it is, I have to avoid it.

If I want to separate myself from his future, the first step is not answering Matt’s calls. It’s the best for everyone.

I’ve gone over each thought, each emotion, each action, and the consequences of a relationship between the three of us. Nothing between us is possible—the friendship, the love, or any relationship.

There’s nothing we can do to make it happen. Answering the phone will only tie me closer to him—to them.

Yet, I slide my thumb over the screen when he calls a second time. “What happened, Decker?”

“Hmm, cold voice,” he says, sighing on the other side of the line. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a conversation with your alter ego. Mind telling me why I have to deal with him?”

I sit back on the couch, watching the city below me, then stare at the piano where Matt spends hours playing music and composing songs. My mind focuses on him, then Thea, making my heart thunder inside my rib cage. As I’m about to speak, I rub my hand over my sweats. “Maybe the crazy idea of joining the three of us has me on edge.”

“Expected, but I’m not pushing for anything immediate if that’s what worries you, Cooperson,” he says, his voice modulated yet edgy. “Don’t think about us, just spend more time with her. Enjoy your time with Thea. She’s bright, sweet—”

“Yeah, yeah, she has many qualities,” I cut him off before he keeps selling her to me.

Both have so many qualities. They aren’t perfect, but I’m starting to love who they are. It’s not the now that worries me, but the later. It won’t be long before they realize how perfect they are for each other. When that happens, I’ll no longer be part of their equation. That’s when Tristan Cooperson will become an afterthought.

“Matt, I’m planning on staying until you’re back because I promised.” I return to that cold voice, hoping it will push him away. My heart won’t survive if I let them all the way inside. “After that, we’re strictly business associates.”

“Cooperson, I have to hit the pillow if I’m going to wake up at eight.” He ignores what I said. “That’s when you and Thea are going for a run, right? I decided to join the fun—via cellphone—at least for the first day.”

“Are you even listening?”

“Yes, I’m listening to what your heart is telling me,” he responds, and I close my eyes. “I’m scared too, Tristan. This can turn fucking ugly or become the most beautiful love in the history of the world. Dream along with us, babe. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Thea and I run through the trail around Lake Washington. There are boats already on the lake. Hikers, runners, and bikers follow the same route. Our pace is steady. For the first mile or so we remain silent, but after we pass a couple, she reduces her speed and turns slightly toward me.

“Matt called me last night,” she says. I nod. “He told me about his idea, the three of us being—”

She breathes a couple of times and swallows. “… a couple.”

I open my mouth, but then close it and pick up the pace. We’re not talking about it. If I run faster, we can’t discuss anything.

The triad isn’t a conversation I want to have again. All night I tossed and turned after hanging up with Matt. He’s scared, so why does he want to do it?

Lost in thought, I don’t realize that we’ve run farther than I intended and that Thea has passed me by. Her long legs stride like an elegant gazelle. The leggings she wears hug her lower body, showing each muscle moving with every step. God, she’s hot. Wait, I have to stop her. We have to go back. My meeting with the architect is at nine-thirty and I won’t make it if we continue.

“Thea,” I call her, slowing my pace.

“Thea.” I take off again, running faster to catch up with her.

Once I reach her, I realize why she’s ignoring me. I signal her and she slows down, taking out one of the earbuds.

“Yeah?” She frowns.

I check the time. Shit. It’s nine-fifteen. “We have to go back. I have a meeting.” I point to the opposite side to change directions.
